Zenthai's Blessing

Zenthai's Blessing is a storied divine effect from Zenthai, The Dragon King. Very little is known about the effects, though Zenethian scripture speaks of it with great reverence. It is believed to be part of the reason for the extended lifespan of the Zenethian Heroes who received it.   Religious scholars mostly refer to Zenthai's Blessing as the effect said to be applied to the Zenethian Heroes by Zenthai just after his death in Doravelzog. However, scripture refers to other blessings applied by The Dragon King over Azimuth's history, but religious scholars are unsure if this is the same effect.


The Story of the Zenethian Heroes tells of the moment of Zenthai, The Dragon King's death at the hands of Esturk, The World's End. On 2 Avedar 4A 996, their final battle took place in Doravelzog.   After Zenthai's death, it is said he scattered into emerald light which infused several of the Zenethian Heroes. It seemed to empower their resolve and fill them with additional strength.  
The body of Zenthai scattered into lights that spread through the cavern and coalesced upon each of the Heroes. Emerald light infused them all, as Zenthai touched each of those who stood witness to his fall. With his touch each were granted Zenthai's Blessing , and the strength of resolve to face this fight once more filled them.
  This light was an apparent and strong divine effect. It is unclear how this compares to other blessings referenced in scripture, though it is believed to have been of immense potency and strength. It is unknown if the effects of Zenthai's Blessing faded over time or continued to affect the Heroes after the events in Doravelzog.   Historical accounts from after this time show that the Heroes had extended lifespans. Several of the Heroes lived for many long years. It is believed this was as a result of the Zenethian Children's divine heritage, receiving Zenthai's Blessing, and the powerful effects of the Zenethian Items.   Though Trip, the One Who Fell, had divine heritage, she did not receive Zenthai's Blessing or an empowered Zenethian Item. As such, it is theorized her lifespan may have been much shorter than that of her siblings. Though, as Trip quickly faded from history in the early Fifth Age, any theories about how influential specifically Zenthai's Blessing was on the extended lifespans of the Heroes cannot be substantiated, as there is limited evidence for comparison.

Other Historical References

Due to the nature and volume of the destruction leveraged against the nations of the time, many historical records from the Great War, and from the times before the war, were lost or destroyed. Most of what is known from the war and from times before is compiled from scraps of information, adjacent surviving records, and oral histories.   The Cycle of Ages makes multiple references to the Zenethian Champions from the end of the Third Age. In some of these passages, they are said to have received blessings from The Dragon King.  
Zenthai realized he was unable to meet this challenge alone. From the races of Azimuth, the Dragon King chose six Champions: Sanazi, Angioletta, Rita, Porgorag, Ruin, and Morazar. These 6 received the direct blessing of the Dragon King, and from his own divine heart he forged six crystalline weapons of holy power. With their strength and will to aid his own, Zenthai and his Champions brought the fight to Esturk’s forces.
Despite the blessing bestowed upon them and the innate power of the Dragonheart weapons, the Zenethian Items, eventually the Champions of the Great War faded from the world.


  • The Fifth Age painting "Lighting Doravelzog", by Gline, daughter of Leir, depicts an interior cavern scene of Doravelzog and the battle that took place there between Esturk, The World's End, and the Zenethian Heroes. There is a striking green light enveloping the heroes as a representation of Zenthai's Blessing.


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
On 2 Avedar 4A 996, Zenthai, The Dragon King, faced off against Esturk, The World's End, at Doravelzog, but he proved to be not strong enough. The fight went poorly, and Zenthai gave his divine life to protect the Zenethian Heroes. In the moment after his death, his body scattered into divine light that infused the Heroes, granting them Zenthai's Blessing and empowering them. Through his sacrifice they were successful in setting Esturk to sleep once more.