Oerich's Maw

Some notable landmarks include:
  • Angajuk's Bell, a favored landmark that allowed some travelers to get the attention of the beloved sperm whale Angajuk.
  • Black Ice Tower, the lone spire that served as home to the Ice Witch, Hedrun Arnsfirth.
  • Dark Duchess, this abandoned pirate ship held a portion of the hoard belonging to the famous white dragon Arveiaturace.
  • Oyaviggaton, an iceberg that was claimed by the dragon Arauthator.
  • Solstice, a snowflake-shaped isle that housed the Frost Giant fortress of Grimskalle.
  Along with seals, walruses and polar bears, the Sea of Moving Ice was also home to other dangers. Lairs of ice trolls could be found in errant shipwrecks, and white dragons often made home within larger icebergs. Few humans made their home among the icy bergs. Among the few that did were the nomadic Ice Hunter tribes, and whalers who dwelled upon the sea's icy shores.


Almost completely uncharted, the ice masses set wide enough apart for a ship to pass. The ice of the sea changed so that all but the most experienced seafarers could be caught off guard. Proof of such are a collection of ancient ice-locked ships.


In the Year of Chilled Marrow, 993 2E, the arcanists of Ythryn found a mysterious stone spindle that beneath the seam, an artifact that dated back to the ancient kingdom of Ostoria.   The Harrowmoorian whale hunter Jendren Uruth made regular excursions into the sea in search of ambergris during the late 1480s DR.
Alternative Name(s)
Sea of Moving Ice
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