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PymTech specializes in Nanotech and molecular human enhancement research. Hank Pym created during his time working with SHIELD and Howard Stark. He developed his Pym Particles at SHIELD. After Janet's death, Hank cut ties with SHIELD and retreated to Pym Tech. He mentored Darren Cross. But Darren wanted Pym Particles, which Hank kept secret. Hope helped Darren to oust Hank, but it was a cover to stay close to him so she could help her father from inside the company.   In BIT timeline, Tony will support her more and they'll direct the company to another direction. Tony will introduce Fujikawa nanotech through his connection to Rumiko Fujikawa.  Together Hope and Rumiko will create GIRL with Tony's support as a Female led science foundation   Quantum dots had been discovered at MIT by a student, whose advisor(Dr Bawendi) was a friend of Tony’s. Stark Industries wasn’t into nano, but PymTech is and this could be a great leap forward in computing. He also was hoping to partner up with their materials department on nanotubes to advance body armor.


Founder: Hank Pym
Temp CTO: Darren Cross
New CEO: Hope Van Dyne
Board Member and R&D: Frank Chrest (MCU only person, ally to Hank)
Alima - unknown
Amber Silverstein - Friend of Nadia Pym and later Priya Aggarwal, took the name Seeker after Red Room and joined GIRL
Priya Aggarwal - Indian immigrant, borther committed suicide, genius but experienced a lot of racism, Part of GIRL, meta with mental communication with Plants, Nadia's lover once free,
Bobbi Morse - after she leaves SHIELD and Clint Barton
Helen Feliciano - Alias Letha, not Meta, Aut was wrestler Ann "Auntie Freeze" Fraley, Wrestled to pay for college in the group called the Grapplers, Bodyguard at PymTech
Justine - unknown, joins GIRL
Alexis Miranda - Driver, Tia's sister
Shay Smith - Physicist, Hope Van Dyne's best friend in PymTech R&D. Secret Lover of Ying due to LGBT discrimination, she's also one of the people who helps Nadia fit in later
Ying Liu - Forced child of James Rogers whom he rescued from Red Room. Nadia was her BFF as children. She grew up keeping the secret of her childhood (Soldier rescued her in the early 80s) when the Red Room finds her again, they implant a bomb to force James and/or Nadia to cooperate. Kitty Removes it with her phasing ability. She guides Nadia like Ana Guided James. Physicist with Nano particles and cancer treatments, eventually applies Pym Particles and succeeds

Public Agenda

Nano Technology and molecular human enhancements


Pym Particles Ant Man suit Wasp Suit Nano tubes


Started by Hank Pym just after World War II. Taken over by Darren Cross at some point. Hope Van Dyne became VP of marketing before transferring back to the R&D department. She helped her father fight to regain control of the company.
Notable Members


Hope Van Dyne headed GIRL for a while, against the private opinion of her board


Antagonistic until Tony Stark and Hope Van Dyne reached out and formed a better relationship.   Quantum dots had been discovered at MIT by a student, whose advisor was a friend of Tony’s. SI wasn’t into nano, but Pym was and this could be a great leap forward in computing. He also was hoping to partner up with their materials department on nanotubes to advance body armor.


California financial support


Hank Pym worked for SHIELD until Janet Van Dyne died and HYDRA set up Howard Stark as a thief and SHIELD had to back one of them and backed Howard.


Attempted to put Darren Cross in power so he would sell to them


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