SC. Vol 2 - Reading Time

Happiness is a roller coaster ride. When you get to the top and think,
To be able to touch the sky, things go downhill very quickly.

Tokyo in Money Heist - Season 3 Episode 7


My review of the month

Why did I choose this opening quote? Let's call it roller coaster summer camp because that's what it felt like for me and because of my fear of heights I hate roller coaster rides.   In the first wave I had a lot of momentum and managed four tasks straight away. Unfortunately, the wagon was pulled up a steep slope in the 2nd wave, which then picked up some speed again in the 3rd wave because I had lots of ideas, but the desire was simply gone. With the unveiling of the 4th wave, the roller coaster ride was reached the end came a week earlier with rather hard braking.   I'm still very happy that I finally reached my copper goal like last year and wrote some important articles.


My challenge participations

In the end there were 10 articels, some of which you can take on a little reading journey if you gradually follow the articles starting with the mirror portals.   In addition, a few old articles from the last SC were linked that explain one thing or another in a little more detail. I am pleased that the articles for my world of Elaqitan include four very important articles, of which I previously only had two on my homework list.   However, my favorite articles have become Homo Elaqitanii and Mirror Cloud Paths, which I would highly recommend to you.

A special thank you goes to Strixxline for giving me goosebumps when she read two of my articles in her streams an to Serukis for your comments, which again greatly encouraged me not to give up.
Thank You

However, I would especially like to thank the Anvils of the #Wurst-und-Bier-Stands (the German WA Discod channel) for a great SC. We had some funny moments, exchanged good thoughts on the prompts and there was lots of support when we got stuck.


Reading can be just as magical as any spell.

Agnes Scribner in Hogwarts Legacy -

I don't think it would be a lie if I said that over the last three weeks I've read 300 articles that were fascinating, inspiring, scary, bizarre or even unexpected.

As always, 10 articles is simply not enough recognition for the many great achievements written during the summer camp. That's why there are a few more articles that I present to you.

And if you would like to listen to some music while reading, I had Cinematic Bookworm running the whole time with the perfect music for perfect reading pleasure.


Diamond summer camp favorite worlds

One could say that what Hanhula delivered during this year's summer camp is from another star. In each of the 42 articles, the reader can expect great world-building that doesn't just scratch the surface, but goes into the depths of the cultures and other inhabitants of Istralar. In addition, every article impresses with a wonderful layout. From my perspective, Han's articles were the best and incredibly inspiring things I was able to read at this summer camp and with each article I found it harder to choose my three favorite articles.

Particularly recommended:Cirriblis - Dirge of worlds - Lukasade

Kwyn Marie may not have shared every article with the community, but she also wrote 32 inspiring articles for her three worlds that excited me. Additionally, she wrote additional chapters for "Greenglimmer" and "Lapis of Nicodem" during the summer camp. Follow the author into the wonderful evening full of mysticism, magic and ghosts.

Anyone who likes Warhammer 40k will definitely love Davina's dark summer camp articles. In contrast to the other two, she wrote 40 rather short (finally German) articles. Unfortunately I can't make a comparison because I don't know the universe, but I found many of their ideas fascinating, cool and really hope for expansions.

But what remained almost undiscovered for most of us: Davina made videos in German and English for each wave on her YouTube channel, which contain her thoughts on the individual requests. If you missed the videos, here is a Link - the videos are also great inspiration for your later world building. So I subscribed, when are you doing it?



Community favorite summer camp items


1st wave: change

Prompt II:
Describe an environmental disaster or other major natural disaster.

Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 8, 2024

Die Weltenwende

This article by Nightone shows what happens when weapons trigger a devastating chain reaction. Here, the concentration of Thaum resulted in the collapse of a celestial pillar, shaking the planet Irda to the planet's center. The fascinating thing about it is the many effects on the entire world that the author has considered here. It's also nice that the gods had mercy and rebuilt the world, which otherwise would have taken several centuries.
Prompt III:
Describe a character who undergoes a major change or metamorphosis.

Kittymonster wrote here for The Rosepetal about a wondrous deity who harbors her own symbiotic ecosystem within and walks among the archipelagos of Papacalla. It must be a beautiful sight to see and interact with one of these gentle and silent giants, who appear to be the last of their kind. This article is incredibly creative and impresses again with wonderful art.

Prompt IX:
Describe a myth about food.

Whenever I read Callyxtus articles , I am amazed at how earthly myths, legends, rituals and traditions are combined and reinterpreted for the world of Yeia. You can spot Greek heroes on the header and believe me, you won't be disappointed as you hunt for food with them and enjoy the final banquet that weaves everything together into an even greater legend.

I was also impressed by the following from the first wave:

Sugiramun by NimrodialLibrary is a great character who faced a lot of suffering and tragedy, which was combined with great stories and magical art.

Frostrot by Chrispy_0 is a fascinating disease on one of the planets of Vreathe, the symptoms of which are beautifully explained using the image of an elf.

Airship by Kefkejaco is an inspiring vehicle with very realistic influences on society, politics and the types of techniques used combined with a great map.


2nd wave: Refuge

Prompt XII:
Describe a technology
used for defense or protection.

In this also great article by Chrispy_0 I like the many thoughts that the author has put into the structure of the individual layers and the individual parts of the suit, which are explained using his own digital drawing. However, I recommend you read Frost Red (see above) first, as this article will take you on a reading journey leading to this technology.

Prompt XIII:
Describe a naturally protected place.

This wonderfully enchanting spot that SecereLaetes described for Yenort is protected by spirits who know exactly who is a friend of their forest and who is not. This has something very poetic for me and sometimes I wish our forests could do this.

Prompt XVIII:
Describe a species with protective anatomy.

Species | Jul 17, 2024

Changelings have the ability to morph their physical appearance, giving them a very unique look at live and individuality

Satrium has put a lot of inspiring thought into the individual cultures and philosophies of changelings in this fascinating yet frightening article for Lothrea. The author does a great job of conveying that not everything is black and white and that species that are considered evil because of their behavior can also have good in them.

The following are also highly recommended from the 2nd wave:

Khemerahl by Leijonais a refuge in Mirintha and provides a beautiful insight with many aspects about history, infrastructure and defense. In addition, the item is visually enhanced by a small map and your own drawing for the structure of the floors.

The Shrine Guard by Thereasonwhy is a unit in the world of The Great Tree who became protectors of their clan through the loss of their "adoptive mother". Accompanied by sketches, the tasks of the four guards and who they are are wonderfully explained.

Salt plum dumplings by Ononomad are delicious dumplings from the desert dwellers of Shadowfire that could also be seen as a kind of peace offering. How quickly could conflicts be resolved if negotiations were started over comforting food?


3rd wave: Faith

Prompt XXIII:
Describe an evil spirit or divine antagonist.

Character | Jul 14, 2024

A collection of stories from around the world all describing the same thing, a demon of fear.

In Jontaro's world Oniran there lives a creepy ghost that causes mischief in many stories across cultures. What fascinated me about the very inspiring article was the goosebump-inducing atmosphere that was told with the little anecdotes. The horror is not “formulated” but only hinted at, which makes it all the scarier. In addition, your own drawings greatly reinforce the feeling.

Prompt XXVIII:
Describe the practices
and ceremonies of worship.

Loyalair wrote a very detailed article for Lanternal on various religious rituals of worship starting from daily prayers to annual ceremonies. I liked that the author did not limit himself only to describing the process, but also explained the symbolism and meaning of each ritual for the believers.

Prompt IXXX:
Describe a settlement known as a party town or entertainment town.

In the world of 1957 by Racussa, a planned city was created in the former GDR after the Second World War. In the very detailed and really inspiring article, many details and interesting aspects of alternative history were intertwined, which brought back some childhood memories for me as a child of the GDR. Besides, when do you ever get served a cocktail named after you? Thank you very much for that.

If you would like to read more from the 3rd wave, I recommend:

Coven of the Yellow Rose by Riverfang the faction of an Isekai witch coven whose ideologies, structures and culture have been described in great detail and offer many ideas for your own articles.

Xandoria by CrazyEddie is actually an evil deity who also has some good sides. Humorous and garnished with small quotes, an entertaining article. Don't miss the great list of what they like and don't like.

Winrag Codexi by Nightone s an entertaining read about a wonderfully forged document in Irda. What's great is that the original author managed to write and design 400 pages in such a way that it doesn't kill anyone. Great coup.


4th wave: decay

Prompt XXXV:
Describe a tradition
that represents moral decay.

Tillerz wrote for Alana numerous inspiring ideas for a great, lavish night that satisfies all of our hidden wishes and desires. I like that a lot of things are only hinted at, so that the reader has to read between the lines and can interpret for themselves.

Prompt XXXVI:
Describe an animal or plant that feeds on decay.

This is where things get extraordinarily creepy. While no one wants to have their spirits sucked out of them by CSor96's creation for Terria, you shouldn't miss this inspiring, in-depth article. The little story is beautiful and sets the reader up wonderfully for the rest.

Prompt XLII:
Describe a building that was
intended to be temporary

The Organ of Clarion Canyon
Building / Landmark | Sep 1, 2024
What a crazy idea from Hallucigenia to place an organ in the middle of the mountains in the world of Waking Materia? It must sound wonderful when the organ is played. I also think it's great that there are always little references to earthly things hidden in the author's articles. Surely you recognize the famous “composer”?

Also highly recommended from the 4th wave:

Erdfäule by SecereLaetes is a disease in Yenort that turns out to be nature's revenge against sinners who pollute its environment. Great idea and it's a shame we don't have something like that.

Ngyelumayi by Demongrey is a technique of mummification for protection. I like that the author leaves the usual path of mummification here and locks up the body so that survivors in The Million Islands are not haunted by the undead.

The Endless Library by Riverfang is an expanding Isekai library that would be a bookworm's dream. The great thing - the expansion only occurs inside. Really very inspiring idea.

And if you're expecting my plans for the rest of the year?
Well, not all of the good resolutions from the beginning of the year have been fulfilled yet, That's why I'll continue to work on it and I also hope to be able to write some “fiery” articles during Worldember.

Kind regards, Blue

Cover image: Summer-Camp 2024 by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourney-Collage


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Aug 25, 2024 13:31

Thanks for including Ngyelumayi!

Sep 3, 2024 15:38

You're very welcome

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 25, 2024 14:10

You really are so good at structuring articles! This is so easy on the eye, I really have to steal some of it. I mean, Mirintha is already a hodgepodge of different worlds, so I will just let myself be inspired by your layouts :D And thanks for mentioning Khemerahl <3

Sep 3, 2024 15:44

It was a pleasure and thank you very much that my layout provides ideas for the structure of your world articles.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 26, 2024 08:42 by Nimin N

Congrats on copper! Your output was great this SC, and it's hard to pick a favorite. :) And thank you so much for commenting on and featuring Aasooloonusasuu. <3

Sep 3, 2024 16:00

Thank you for your lovely comment and your gentle giant is really such a fascinating character. It would have been a pity not to mention him.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 30, 2024 20:08 by Jon

Congrats on the Copper Badge! And thank you for the shoutout, I'm really glad you liked it!!!

While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.
Sep 3, 2024 16:03

Thank you and you're very welcome.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Sep 1, 2024 21:08 by Alan Byers

Thank you so much for the inclusion, Blue Fairy! I had a lot of fun writing the article and I'm glad it's contagious.

Sep 3, 2024 16:07

You have written many interesting articles during SC, I look forward to discovering more.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Sep 2, 2024 09:13

Danke dir für die netten worte für den Kataklysmus und den Winrag Codexi!
Freut mich das sie dir gefallen haben!

Have a look at my entries for:
-Worldanvils: SUMMER CAMP
Sep 3, 2024 16:09

Es waren wirklich viele sehr gute Artikel dabei und es viel mir sehr schwer, mich zu entscheiden.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.