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The Adventure so Far 05: Festival of... Friendship?

General Summary

Cast: -Ivasaar -Lord Gray -Ozul   Events: -Lord Gray looking for clues In the month since he joined Beihlur, Ivasaar & Ozul in slaying the Ankanath and retaking Ozul's mansion, Lord Gray returned to the Cursed Union to look for clues. While he failed to find clues to find means to create a portal, he did find that the culture of Malicity had changed. Where before the inhabitants had a loose feeling of community, now they felt more isolated and more concerned only of their own affairs. Moreover the scales of the various gangs that ruled over the different districts had been upset, as a gang called "The Red Claw" had been disrupting the other regions. When Lord Gray recieved a summons from Udurth to return to The Isle, he took the opportunity to get away from the politics. -Ozul vision Ozul found himself in a vision of sorts, or at least he could intuit that it was not reality. He found himself in a land of jumbled memories, both recent and old. Until he found himself in front of his manor, with Kathaan's Eye in place of Veggol in the Sky scouring far off lands. The manor was burning from within, the flames gasping through the shattered windows for air. Ozul pushed open the doors to his manor, as the flames inside inhaled the air, the flames surrounded him, Ozul could feel the pain of the heat, but his skin was unaffected.   Inside he saw four figures, that of Garrett, Ivasaar, Morven and a Human he didn't recognize. They were looking for something in the blaze, but he failed to get their attention before he blinked and the flames were now but dying embers, the environment scarred by the flames still. He could see the same four, battle weary and carrying Ozul out of the manor. Ozul followed them out and looked up to the Eye in the sky and demmanded "Kathaan, what's going on?". The Eye locked onto Ozul as from it's pupil came an object falling towards Ozul, he could recognize it as Kathaan's Sword, but it was glowing orange as when Ukudur held it. He dodged out of the way of the blade, as it lodged into the earth, that orange glow seeping into the earth, Ozul reached out to grab for the hilt.   Meet up on The Isle. Lord Gray was had just been brought into the airship port when he saw Ivasaar on The Isle. The two spoke for a minute before Udurth interupted, said he was glad to see them and showed them to where Ozul was being kept. He was being kept in a small double bedroom, Lenadrent was watching over him, going over his notes. As Ivasaar entered, he flipped through his book and appeared to recognize Ivasaar from his notes, before asking who Lord Gray was. Just as Ivasaar had sold his Bag of Holding filled with dead pixies to Ivasaar, Ozul awoke. The three spoke between themselves for a while (Big DM Hype) about Kathaan and her relics, as well as Lord Gray's age. Ivasaar returned the items he had 'found' in Ozul's manor, which was his wife Eilsys' wedding band and the Reflect of SilverDew, a relic which Lord Gray was able to recognize to be of considerable value to the surviving SilverDews (On comparing to notes ~25,000gp).   Inviting of the delegates   Udurth returned and asked the group to do a favour for him, saying that as their goal was to ease the tensions between the world factions and prepare the world for the next cataclysm. As the Unity Jubilee (A celebration on the anniversary of the northern factions against the first cataclysm) was soon to occur, he asked that the group helped him to organize the festival, to select the delegates from the other states to attend, and to help ensure they have a good time while they're on The Isle. This would help to also set up contacts while also giving this new flying venture more recognition on the global stage.   The three decided to focus individually on a single faction. To Ivasaar went the Irenic Foundation, who chose against inviting Quitumal Moongazer, an elf who headed up a major subfaction of the Mission of Thoelirn that believed Thoelirn was a celestial, and chose Atrussa TharrowThorn, his sister and head of the TharrowThorn house in all but name. Ozul decided the pick from th Commonwealth of Humanity, choosing Different Fastdreamer the Tiefling Mayor of Whiteharbour over Khebar Iceglade, a travelling jester who is related to Duke Odessa Iceglade of Icespire. When it came to the dwarves, due to the their cultural fear of the sun, there were very few on the surface, the only clear contender (Bad dm) was Kheldal MarblePast, a travelling warrior referred to as a sunscarred in Dwarvish Society after venturing out as a lad to fight on foreign stone during the previous cataclysm.     week preparations Each of the group spent a week preparing to host their guests as best as they. Ivasaar and Lord Gray journeyed to Arcasturm, while Ozul travelled back to his manor, visiting the Irenic Foundation along the way. Lord Gray and Ivasaar were able to work together to play Dwarven songs, which Lord Gray was able to mimic perfectly. Lord Gray was able to find the finely aged ale and mead from a beverage trader in Arcasturm, while Ozul found wine in his home. Ozul was able to get a racist book about tieflings from the Irenic Foundation. While Lord Gray secured ham cuts, Ozul found was able to purchase a cut of Emerald Dragonmeat, and Ivasaar was able to hire a resturant to cater the gathering. The resturant, Yosvyn Bites, was of an unfamiliar style to that Ivasaar was familiar with, yet the 12 crew resturant staff followed him into culinary battle. Lord Gray found a grand throne appropriate for a Dwarf's size.   return back to The Isle +Yosvyn bites As the group returned to The Isle, they met eachother at the harbor. With a veritable army of Gnomish chefs behind Ivasaar, holding each pair holding a tray with their materials on. Before the guests began arriving. Overall, Lord Gray was able to wow Kheldal with his appreciation for Dwarvish culture that was so lost to him. While Kheldal arrived looking to test the strength of the group, the stories of their adventures roused his spirits and he invited the group to attend the Sunbreaker, a two-on-two tournament.   Ozul was able to get along well with Different how cultured he was, derrived from his past belief in The Noble. He was clearly taken by the fassion of all in attendendance, noting their style. Different was looking to end the discrimination for his people, and asked if a situation were to arise, the group could help.   The next to arrive was Altrussa TharrowThorn, who was met on the harbor by her brother, Ivasaar. She carried herself in a very precise and measured way which loosened once she saw her brother. Worried by her letter, she had bought gifts for the group to ensure that they survived. To each of the adventurers (those not pressent included) went a annimating ammulet, the enchantment on which draws out lingering energies out of someone about to fall unconscious, bringing them closer to death, but keeping them able to fight, at least once. Atrussa's attention was also to prying eyes that might take interest in this meeting, her family's mage, Mirakas MistMind, cast a spell on the group to ensure they couldn't be divined for a day.   The last to arrive was Welmyra WhistleBoot of Arcasturm, the Head Archavist of animancy who Udurth had chose. She had funded the research and eventual implementation of the large engine in the centre of The Isle. It was her also who had invented the Warforged in decades past. She seemed curious to see what the situation of the core was.   While the evening carried on, there was a clear distance that Atrussa was having with certain guests, being Different and Lord Gray. Finding a place to freely talk, Ivasaar was able to learn that this distancee was because she feared the possible rammifacations of acknowledging those changed by infernals, and sided to avoid interacting entirely. This out of the fact that what would happen in the Irenic Foundation if she did so, their leader for nearly 600 years, Emperor Iliberos was in his twilight years and what would come after his passing was uncertain. Ivasaar retorted that while this was the case, allies afar could be of great aid should that occur. Atrussa was persuaded, as she made her way to the door she returned once more to the politician in stature. She made her way to Different and after the shock had faded it was clear that Different happy to be acknowledged in such an official way.   Overall as the day broke to evening they all ended up once more around the dining table, sharing stories and becoming closer together. While the Gnomish chefs served various spicy hams and emerald Dragon meats. The feast was one to be remembered by all.   Eventually, thanks to the great efforts on the part of the group, the funding from these states came pouring in, while the pile got shared many ways and a large chunk was taken up to maintain and improve The Isle. There was enough left over to give each adventurer 500 gp


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