Udarich Campaign Session 5 Notes Report in Charyba | World Anvil
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Udarich Campaign Session 5 Notes

General Summary

  • The party left the master bedroom to investigate the other rooms. Larka found nothing of interest in the guest rooms. Petrichor and Bigwig entered an office room. Petrichor was attacked by a magic Rug of Smothering.
  • Petrichor called the others for help. She avoided the first attack from the rug but was entrapped when it attacked again. She broke free as Larka and Hest joined the battle. Petrichor tore the rug free and it attacked Hest. Larka shot the rug to kill it, but also wounded Hest with the arrow.
  • Petrichor investigated the master of the house's journal.
  • "This book is astounding! Such secrets that I'd never even dreamt of in this school of Necromancy. To think the shopkeeper just handed it to me to as a loyalty reward. She had no idea what was in her shop. I've already started experimenting. The rituals depicted are rather messy. I'll have to fix that. I won't abide the smell of rotting flesh in my little home from home. I'll have to keep the book here, though. I wouldn't want to risk it being found back in Ghispar." She was concerned that Zinnia and the other Ghispar soldiers were involved.
  • Bigwig investigated the bookshelves. She quickly determined the 2nd floor location of the secret passage and realized it was full except for a missing The Adventures of Oten book. She also found 5 spell scrolls. Hest recognized scrolls of Firebolt and Chromatic Orb. Rowena helped her identify a scroll of Identify. The other two scrolls were identical but could not be read.
  • Bigwig also found a black leather book that Petrichor suggested was the Book of Necromancy referenced in the journal. Petrichor read through the book and gained an understanding of necromancy.
  • The party walked up the secret stairs. On the third floor, they saw the unconscious forms of Zinnia and Kilgrid. Petrichor and Bigwig also recognized Peacelover, now an undead necro-thrall. The party quickly took down the undead gnome.
  • Bigwig slapped Zinnia awake to ask what happened. Petrichor helped her realize that someone from Ghispar had learned necromancy and was animating the dead. She mentioned a figure had hovered over with a scalpel before being distracted. The party identified that several scalpels and a pile of rune stones.
  • Hest checked both Zinnia and Kilgrid had not been experimented on, then untied them. The party took them downstairs, thinking the stairs would lead to an underground bunker but realized it just lead to the first floor sitting room. Zinnia and Kilgrid left while the party returned to the attic.
  • Larka investigated the attic and realized that there was a circle of sigils but could not figure out what they did. She also found another notebook from the necromancer. This notebook scared her into thinking that either her father or Windtooth had been turned into an undead.
  • "Only two corpses usable from the wreckage, gnome and vargar. I haven't had the chance to experiment with a vargar before. The excitement practically has me giddy. I shouldn't let it overwhelm me or the connection will break." "The gnome is a surprise. It appears to come from Mustaband, a deep gnome. Nothing interesting to report on it, though. It awoke as a necro-thrall just as previous experiments did. I'll start on the vargar tomorrow. Preliminary dissection reveals a powerful build, definitely lived well, noble. Ingvar or Rhibarn, I wonder? What were the Ribahrn vargar tribes? Fell and Nightclaw?" "Damn that blasted vargar! Something must have fucked up its corpse. The brain visibly changed when I animated the corpse. The vargar howled in pain, tore apart several of my best necro-thralls, and ran off. Worst of all, whatever magic affected the vargar corrupted my entire skeleton guard. Who knows when I'll find enough bodies to replace them?"
  • Hest wondered if the two unidentified scrolls she had found were necromancy scrolls. She asked Petrichor to identify them, who realized they were Speak with Dead scrolls. Petrichor and Bigwig decided to use one to speak with Peacelover.
  • While Petrichor thought about what to ask Peacelover, Hest decided to cast Mage Armor. This gave her temporary resistance to all damage and prompted her to stick her hand in the fireplace which caught the confusion of the others.
  • Petrichor cast Speak with Dead on Peacelover. Peacelover said that he died in the Raziel explosion and that he knew nothing of Windtooth's plan. He didn't know anything after his death and Petrichor wasted the last question asking why.
  • The party left the mansion and returned to the campsite for Zinnia's Platoon. Kilgrid and Felgo had been ordered by Zinnia to return to Ghispar and inform Catchief Urthpaw. Zinnia offered to scout ahead but Larka convinced her and Sera to stay with the party.
  • The party traveled for the rest of the day. After making camp, Zinnia thanked the party for saving her and Kilgrid. She made sure the party knew they would be rewarded by the Catchief and offered to put in a good word if they were a mercenary group looking for jobs. She said they would definitely be welcome in trying to track down the necromancer.
  • Larka had a better time putting up a kotatsu this night while the others took shifts on watch.
  • The next day, Hest set off another Wild Magic Surge that caused her to shrink 10 inches. Rowena used some of her power to help make this less frequent.
  • During the day's march, the party came upon a section of forest that turned quiet immediately. Everyone stayed still except for Bigwig. When she moved, a tree came crashing down which Bigwig deftly dodged. The party caught sight of a monkish figure, with pale blue skin. Sera jokingly suggested it was a forest protector who had been disturbed by the necromancer and the Raziel. She teased Hest that they should be safe when she saw Hest was worried.
  • The party came upon a part of forest where the trees were carbonized shortly before finding the wrecked ship. Zinnia and Sera checked the perimeter while the party checked the ship remains. No signs of living beings were found but Larka was called to a section of exposed ship interior. She and Petrichor saw inorganic nerve-like structures made up the interior. Larka reached out to the nerve and appeared to have some kind of seizure to the party.
  • Level up to level 3.
  • Larka saw a vision of a psychic shadow landscape populated by Raziel passengers, including her father. Larka reached out to hug him and was assaulted by further visions that suggested Kagero had been returned home but would slip in and out of consciousness with decreasing frequency. When he did, he was returned to wander this landscape. The last vision showed the Fell Tribe under attack by King Hespiro's army. In this vision, Larka also saw a human figure, genderless and nondescript, in flowing black robes. The figure looked at her before she returned to her body.
  • The party watched as Larka summoned psychic daggers, displaying her new abilities.
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Report Date
22 Oct 2023


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