Dragon's Roost Settlement in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

Dragon's Roost

Moderately sized ski lodge and mountain hamlet nestled in the foot hills of the Dracul Mountains. Just north of Copper Stout in Luna Cove County of the State of Elms.


  • 50% Long Lived (65% Dragonborn, 15% Gnomes, 10% Androids, 5% elf, %5 Plasmoids)
  • 20% Half Races (40% Goliath, 20% Half-Elf, 15% Half-Orc, 15% Tiefling, 10% Genasi, 5% Changling)
  • 10% Small Folk (45% Kobold, 25% Dwarf, 15% Halfling, 15% Goblin)
  • 10% Beast Folk (25% Aven, 20% Satry, 15% Cat-Sith, 15% Haregon, 15% Centaur, 5% Minitaur, 5% Shifter)
  • 5% Demi Humans(40% Orc, 25% Bugbear, 25% Hobgoblin, 10% Firbolg)
  • 5% Humans


Dragon's Roost is still privatly owned land, belonging to the Golos'Agha family, who are treated like royalty. But at the end of the day they are members of the hamlets council. With Andra Golos'agha acting as lead council members.


While the lodge dose not have any normal defences it dose have some law enfocement officers to deal with the occasional issue. Mostly this consists of 8 wardens of The Wardens of Dracul  and 2 members of The Roanoke Land Guard  that acted more like park rangers most days. Otherwise a Serif and their deputy keep an eye on the lodge proper.

Industry & Trade

Most people that call Dragon's Roost home year round live modest life styles, making an average of 10 gold a week.


Most of Dragon's Roost is comited to the operation of the ski lodge. A small General Store and smithy provide basic nasesities worth upto 200 gold. While a local alchemist, baker, barber, butcher, and coboler provide other quick nesesities. A local artist sells offers profesional shard photos for those interested, along with a small group of local trackers and guides for those looking to go on hunting trips into the mountains. Three resurants offering difrent levels of quality, ranging from modest to Wealthy, offer everyone an option for dinning out. While the lodge itself ofers both Comforatable rooms and a modest motel for those just looking to spend the weekend in the area without breaking the bank. Otherwise the hamlets true curiosities are three magic shopes offering uncommon goods. Blue Snows Wounders, a wounderus item shop specializing in wood items that also acts as the areas main ski and snowboard maker, Hither & Fither's, a magic tailor shop, and Curius Raven, a curioe shop that trades in trikets and rare goods, and have been known to get a magic item or two from time to time.
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