Blackrock Hold Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Blackrock Hold

The Blackrock Hold is a formidable stronghold nestled deep within the Graywall Mountains. It serves as the home of the Blackrock clan, a notorious group of Minotaur bandits feared for their cunning and ruthlessness. The Hold is strategically located along key trade routes, allowing the clan to prey on unsuspecting travelers passing through the treacherous mountain terrain.


The Blackrock Hold is home to around 200 Minotaurs, most of whom are members of the Blackrock clan.


The Blackrock Hold is governed by a chieftain who holds absolute authority over the clan. The current chieftain is Korgoth Blackrock. His righthand is Zara Shadowhorn, who is a shrewd diplomat and negotiator who uses bargaining and cunning when subterfuge and force fails.


The Hold is well defended with traps, concealed tunnels, and hidden watchposts. The Minotaur bandits are highly skilled in guerrilla warfare and ambush tactics and lead by Vraxin Blackrock. Raxus Swiftfoot is their most skilled tracker and hunter.

Industry & Trade

The Blackrock clan survives mainly through banditry and plundering of passing caravans. They also engage in limited trade with other monstrous races and factions in Droaam. Thessa Stonebreaker is the clan's chief weaponsmith and ensures their warriors are armed with the sharpest blades and polearms. Grulg Hammerfist heads the mining operations deep within the Graywall Mountains.


The Hold is constructed with sturdy stone walls and structures built directly into the mountainside. It features a series of labyrinthine tunnels that serve as both living quarters and defensive passages.


The Blackrock Hold does not have distinct districts but rather a complex network of interconnected tunnels and chambers.


The main assets of the Blackrock Hold are their strategic location and their control over the nearby trade routes. They also possess a sizeable stash of stolen goods and valuables.

Guilds and Factions

The Blackrock clan operates as a single cohesive unit, with no formal guilds or factions.


The Blackrock Hold was established several centuries ago when many of the vagrant and exiled Minotaurs of the Graywall Mountains decided to unite under the banner of the Blackrock clan. Over the years, they have gained a notorious reputation for their ruthless attacks on travelers and merchants, amassing wealth and power through their illicit activities.

Points of interest

  • The Cavern of Lost Souls—A mysterious and treacherous cavern rumored to hold the spirits of those who fell victim to the Blackrock clan's raids.
  • The Bandit's Den—The central gathering area within the Hold where the Blackrock Minotaurs plan their raids and celebrate their victories.


The Blackrock Hold is not a tourist destination due to its dangerous reputation and the hostile nature of its inhabitants.


The architecture of the Hold is rugged and functional, blending with the natural rocky surroundings. It primarily features rough-hewn stone structures.


The Blackrock Hold is situated within the Graywall Mountains, a treacherous mountain range dividing Droaam and Breland.


The climate is cold and harsh, with heavy snowfall in the winter and unpredictable weather patterns.

Natural Resources

The Hold has limited access to natural resources due to its remote location, relying mainly on what they can plunder from passing caravans.
Founding Date
Location under


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