Bloodhorn Hold Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Bloodhorn Hold

The Bloodhorn Hold is an ancient settlement that has been in existence for over a thousand years. It is located deep within the Graywall Mountains, hidden in the labyrinthine tunnels that wind through the rocky terrain. The hold is home to the mysterious and enigmatic Bloodhorn clan of Minotaurs, who are known for their mastery of dark magic and their seclusion from the outside world. The Bloodhorn Hold is shrouded in secrecy, and few outsiders have ever ventured into its depths.


The Bloodhorn clan primarily comprises Minotaurs, with a few Harpies and other magical beings who have chosen to join them.


The Bloodhorn Hold is led by a council of elders, with the most powerful sorcerers among them having the most influence. Zoltar Bloodhorn serves as the supreme leader, a position passed down through generations of powerful sorcerers. Voren Bloodhorn presides over the most sacred and potent blood rituals of the clan, providing guidance and blessings to the Hold.


The Bloodhorn Hold is protected by powerful magical wards and traps, making it nearly impenetrable to outsiders. The labyrinthine tunnels themselves act as a natural defense, confusing and deterring intruders.   Gralken Ironhide overseees the warriors of the Hold as forboding and indomitable warleader while Selena Frostmane is the most powerful ice sorcereress and second most powerful sorcerer overall in the Hold, and directs efforts and education of the Hold's practitioners. The assassins and scouts of the Hold follow the lead of Lythia Shadowborn, a master of illusory magics and subterfuge.

Industry & Trade

The Bloodhorn clan relies on the practice of dark magic and their knowledge of ancient rituals to sustain themselves. They also engage in some trade with other clans in exchange for resources and materials. Thalgor Rockheart is a master of the forge and expert craftsmens of fine weapons and armor, and the process of runic enchantment.


The hold is built within the intricate network of underground labyrinths, with large chambers and passages carved into the rock. The architecture is a mix of ancient Minotaur design and infused with dark magical runes and symbols.


The hold is organized into several districts, including the main gathering hall, the sacred chamber of rituals, and the sorcerers' quarters.


The Bloodhorn clan possesses a vast collection of ancient tomes and artifacts related to dark magic. They also have access to rare and powerful crystals that amplify their sorcery.

Guilds and Factions

The Bloodhorn clan is deeply focused on their mastery of dark magic, and they form various factions based on the different magical disciplines they study.


The history of the Bloodhorn Hold is shrouded in mystery, with tales of ancient battles and dark rituals passed down through generations. They have remained secluded for centuries, rarely interacting with the outside world.

Points of interest

  • The Blood Pool—A mysterious pool of dark, glowing liquid at the heart of the hold, said to possess potent magical properties.
  • The Forbidden Archives—A secret chamber filled with ancient texts and forbidden knowledge.
  • The Chamber of Echoes—A sacred space where the clan's sorcerers commune with ancient spirits.


The Bloodhorn Hold does not welcome outsiders, and few have been granted access to their secretive domain. Tourism is nonexistent.


The hold's architecture is a mix of natural rock formations and intricately carved passageways adorned with dark magical symbols.


The Bloodhorn Hold is hidden within the vast labyrinthine tunnels and caves of the Graywall Mountains, protected by the harsh and unforgiving terrain.


The underground environment of the hold provides a relatively stable climate, sheltered from the extreme weather conditions of the surface.

Natural Resources

The Bloodhorn clan harnesses the magical energies that emanate from the ancient rocks and crystals found within the mountain's depths. They also cultivate unique plants and fungi that thrive in the darkness of the underground.
Founding Date
Location under


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