Six Kings Monument Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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Six Kings Monument

The Six Kings Monument is found on the northern peaks of the Graywall Mountains and are six statues of ancient Dhakaani kings standing thousands of feet tall.   The statues are made of granite and were carved from singular chunks of stone. While some of the detail has worn down with weathering over the ages or covered in moss at the base, most of the detail is intact. While most do not know who exactly the figures were or when they lived, most Goblins in Droaam know of their importance in as key figures in their history.

Purpose / Function

The Momument was a symbol of the power and wealth of the Dhakaan Empire and a sign to all that entered the region to respect their might.


The Six Kings statues were constructed to commemorate the six kings who came together to form the ancient Empire of Dhakaan. Even after their collapse following the Daelky War, the statues themselves remained standing as a testament to the capabilities of a united Goblin Empire.


Goblins will at some point in their life make the pilgrimage to the monument in remembrance and honor of their past. Most other people have little interest in the statues though archaeologists and scholars have visited the area to study its construction. Dwarves who find themselves in western Khorvaire will also venture to the monument to study the stoneworking capabilities and compare it to the great works of the Mror Holds.
Founding Date
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