Shadow Dancers Aerie Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Shadow Dancers Aerie

The Shadow Dancers Aerie is a hidden and mysterious settlement tucked away in the heart of the Graywall Mountains. This flight of harpies is known for their stealth and cunning, operating as skilled thieves and assassins. They have a complex network of tunnels and hidden passageways throughout the mountains, making them elusive and difficult to track. The Shadow Dancers embrace their passion for secrecy and operate in the shadows, striking swiftly and silently against their enemies.


Predominantly Shadow Dancer Harpies, who possess higher intelligence and a remarkable affinity for stealth and deception. A few other monstrous races of Droaam may also reside in small numbers within the aerie.


The Shadow Dancers Aerie operates with a decentralized leadership structure, where a group of influential harpies known as the "Shroud Council" makes important decisions collectively. The council members are highly skilled in the arts of stealth and espionage.  
  • Athena Darkwing
  • Eris Shadewind
  • Lyra Whisperwind
  • Hera Moonshadow
  • Thalia Nightwing


The aerie's hidden and well-concealed location serves as its primary defense, making it challenging for outsiders to find. The Shadow Dancers also employ traps and ambushes throughout the tunnels to deter intruders.

Industry & Trade

The Shadow Dancers primarily sustain themselves through acts of theft, espionage, and occasional mercenary work for clients in need of their skills.


The aerie's buildings and tunnels are ingeniously concealed among the rocky terrain and dense vegetation of the mountains, providing the Shadow Dancers with optimal cover for their activities.


  • The Veiled Nexus: The central hub of the aerie, housing the Shroud Council and acting as a meeting place for important gatherings.
  • The Shadow's Embrace: The living quarters and training grounds for the Shadow Dancers, designed to mimic the darkness and shadows they thrive in.


The Shadow Dancers Aerie possesses extensive knowledge of the hidden passageways and treacherous terrain of the Graywall Mountains, which they use to their advantage.

Guilds and Factions

The Shadow Dancers operate as a tightly-knit group, with the Shroud Council leading their clandestine activities.


The Shadow Dancers Aerie was founded long ago by a harpy known for her exceptional stealth and cunning, who sought refuge from the harsh world of Droaam and established a hidden sanctuary for her flight.


The Shadow Dancers Aerie is not a place that welcomes visitors, as their secluded nature and secretive ways make them wary of outsiders.


The buildings and tunnels of the aerie are designed to blend seamlessly with the natural landscape, featuring hidden entrances and concealed traps.


The aerie is located deep within the Graywall Mountains, hidden among rocky outcroppings and dense vegetation.


The climate is cold and harsh, with frequent snowfall and biting winds.

Natural Resources

The aerie's most valuable resource is their extensive knowledge of the mountains and their unparalleled skills in stealth and subterfuge.
Founding Date
Location under


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