Night Screamers Aerie Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Night Screamers Aerie

The Night Screamers Aerie is a high and remote settlement nestled within the peaks of the Graywall Mountains. It serves as the home and spiritual center for the Night Screamer Harpies, a flight known for their haunting cries and their deep connection to the moon and stars. The harpies of this aerie embrace their passion for flight and song, performing intricate dance rituals and communing with the Fury under the light of the full moon.


Predominantly Night Screamer Harpies, who are more intelligent and emotionally attuned than standard harpies. A few other monstrous races of Droaam may also reside in small numbers within the aerie.


The Night Screamers Aerie is led by Chieftain Lysara, a wise and respected harpy chosen for her exceptional abilities in tracking, hunting, and guiding the aerie's spiritual practices.


The aerie is protected by its remote and inaccessible location, as well as the harpies' keen senses and aerial prowess, making it difficult for intruders to reach.

Industry & Trade

The Night Screamers sustain themselves through hunting, foraging, and crafting items from the feathers and bones of the creatures they hunt. They occasionally trade their unique crafts with nearby settlements.


The aerie's buildings are crafted from wood, stone, and feathers, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. They are perched along the mountainside, providing breathtaking views of the valleys below.


  • The Moonlit Roost: The central gathering area where the Night Screamers perform their dance rituals and ceremonies under the light of the moon.
  • The Starry Eyrie: The living quarters of the harpies, nestled within the cliffs and connected by wooden walkways and bridges.
  • The Echoing Perch: A high platform used for sending their haunting cries throughout the mountains.


The Night Screamers have access to a variety of natural resources, including fresh water springs, rich hunting grounds, and medicinal herbs that thrive in the mountain air.

Guilds and Factions

The harpies operate as a close-knit community, with Chieftain Lysara leading them in both their spiritual practices and survival skills.


The Night Screamers Aerie was established many generations ago by a visionary harpy who believed that embracing their passionate nature and connection to the moon would lead to a stronger, united flight.


While not actively seeking visitors, the beauty and allure of the Night Screamers' haunting cries and dance rituals have led a few curious travelers to venture to the aerie.


The buildings in the aerie are designed to blend with the natural landscape, adorned with feathers and symbols representing the moon and stars.


The aerie is located high within the Graywall Mountains, offering sweeping views of the valleys below and the night sky above.


The climate is cold and harsh, with frequent snowfall and chilly winds.

Natural Resources

The aerie is rich in wildlife, fresh water, and medicinal herbs that the Night Screamers use in their daily lives and rituals.
Founding Date
Location under


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