Firehoof Hold Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Firehoof Hold

The Firehoof Hold is a relatively young settlement, around 500 years old, nestled in the heart of the Graywall Mountains. It is home to the Firehoof clan, a small but innovative group of Minotaurs who have embraced technology and engineering. The hold is built around the volcanic vents, allowing the Firehoofs to harness geothermal energy for their steam-powered machinery.


The Firehoof Hold has a population of approximately 200 Minotaurs, making it one of the smaller clans in the Graywall Mountains. However, their numbers are steadily growing as more Minotaurs are drawn to their engineering expertise. The population of the Firehoof clan is primarily made up of skilled engineers, inventors, and craftsmen. They are known for their proficiency in machinery and their ability to create intricate devices.


The Firehoof Hold is led by their chieftain, Volkan Firehoof, who is also the chief engineer and inventor of the clan. Decisions are made through a council of elders, who offer their wisdom and expertise to guide the clan.


The hold's defenses are primarily based on their technological prowess. They have constructed steam-powered traps and automated sentinels to protect their territory from intruders. Gruff Firehoof is in charge of maintaining the mechanical defences and battle engineers.

Industry & Trade

The Firehoof clan is well-known for its technological prowess and engineering expertise. They trade their inventions, metalwork, and mechanical devices with other Minotaur clans and neighboring settlements. Their operations are run by their chief mechanic Torm Firehoof and the magitecknical development is spearheaded by Bram Firehoof alongside his apprentice Elin Firehoof.


The hold is built into the mountainside, with a network of caves and tunnels providing shelter and living spaces for the Minotaurs. The main workshop and engineering facilities are located near the volcanic vents, where they can harness the geothermal energy.


  • Forgeheart Workshop—The heart of the hold, where the Minotaurs craft their inventions and conduct experiments.
  • Steamworks Quarters—Residential area where the Minotaurs live with their families.
  • Ventus Plaza—A central gathering place for meetings and celebrations.


The Firehoof clan's most significant asset is their innovative technology, including steam-powered machinery and ingenious inventions. They are also skilled craftsmen and produce valuable metalwork and mechanical devices.

Guilds and Factions

The Firehoof Hold is the central hub for all engineering and technological advancements in the Graywall Mountains. While not a formal guild, the Firehoofs hold a position of prestige and respect among other Minotaur clans due to their unique skills.


The Firehoof clan was founded by Volkan Firehoof, a visionary inventor who discovered the geothermal vents and recognized their potential for powering machinery. Over the centuries, the clan has grown in size and reputation, becoming the foremost experts in engineering in the Graywall Mountains.

Points of interest

  • Volkan's Workshop—The workshop of Chieftain Volkan Firehoof, filled with blueprints, prototypes, and his latest inventions.
  • The Steam Forge—A massive forge where the Minotaurs create their metalwork and steam-powered devices.
  • The Lava Pools—Natural volcanic pools that are both a source of geothermal energy and a place of relaxation for the Minotaurs.


While not a typical tourist destination, the Firehoof Hold occasionally welcomes visitors from neighboring clans and settlements who wish to witness their technological advancements. For those that do visit the hold find themselves enamored by the Steam Dancers who utilize the magitecknology to create dazzling displays of fire and steam mixed with graceful and elegant performances. The most promiment steam dancer is Lyssa Firehoof.


The hold's architecture combines natural cave structures with crafted stonework. Metal and gears are incorporated into their buildings, showcasing their engineering achievements.


The Firehoof Hold is situated near the volcanic vents of the Graywall Mountains, allowing them to utilize geothermal energy for their inventions.


The hold experiences cold and harsh winters due to its mountainous location. The volcanic vents provide some warmth and keep the temperature bearable within their underground abodes.

Natural Resources

The primary natural resource of the Firehoof Hold is geothermal energy, harnessed from the volcanic vents. Additionally, they have access to various metals and minerals for their metalworking and machinery.
Founding Date
Outpost / Base
Location under


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