Stonefist Hold Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Stonefist Hold

Stonefist Hold is a long-standing settlement nestled within the Graywall Mountains, known for its skilled miners and stoneworkers. The Minotaurs of Clan Stonefist have thrived here for centuries, focusing on mining and crafting exquisite underground structures. The hold serves as a beacon of peace and artistic expression amidst the rugged landscape, guided by their wise and respected leader, Thorgar Stonefist.


Minotaurs make up the majority of the population, known for their strength and craftsmanship. Gnomes and Dwarves, though in smaller numbers, are highly respected members of the community for their skills in mining and stoneworking.


The Hold is governed by a council of elders, led by Thorgar Stonefist, the most respected and wise among them. Decisions are made through consensus, and the welfare of the entire community is of paramount importance.


The natural fortress-like terrain of the Graywall Mountains provides a measure of protection, and the Minotaurs are skilled in creating traps and barriers to defend their hold from potential threats.

Industry & Trade

The Minotaurs of Stonefist Hold focus primarily on mining and stoneworking. They craft intricate carvings, jewelry, and other valuable items from the minerals they extract. They also engage in limited trade with other settlements in Droaam and neighboring regions.


Stonefist Hold consists of both above-ground structures and vast underground chambers connected by a labyrinthine network of tunnels. The underground dwellings feature beautiful carvings and precious gems, reflecting the Minotaurs' artistic talents.


  • The Miner's Quarter—Where the miners live and work, extracting precious ores and gems from the mountains.
  • The Craftsmen's District—Home to skilled artisans who work with stone, creating intricate carvings and structures.
  • The Elder's Hall—The central meeting place where the council of elders gathers to make decisions for the Hold.


Stonefist Hold boasts rich deposits of valuable minerals and gems, including ores such as iron, copper, and gold. The underground structures and beautifully crafted items are also highly prized.

Guilds and Factions

The Hold has a Miner's Guild and a Stoneworker's Guild, both playing crucial roles in the economic prosperity and cultural development of the community.  

Notable figureheads

  • Dragan Boulderbreaker
  • Aella Stonecarver
  • Kormak Ironvein
  • @lyssa


Stonefist Hold was founded centuries ago by a visionary Minotaur leader seeking to build a haven for skilled miners and stoneworkers. Over time, the hold flourished, becoming renowned for its craftsmanship and artistic expression.

Points of interest

  • The Grand Hall of Gems—A vast underground chamber adorned with glittering gems and precious stones, used for important gatherings and ceremonies.
  • The Great Forge—A masterfully crafted underground forge where skilled artisans create exquisite works of art.


While Stonefist Hold is not a major tourist destination, it does welcome visitors who appreciate the beauty of their craftsmanship and seek to learn from their skilled artisans.


The above-ground structures are made of stone and wood, blending harmoniously with the natural landscape. The underground chambers are richly decorated with intricate carvings and shimmering gems.


Stonefist Hold is located within the Graywall Mountains, a rugged and harsh landscape with tall, jagged peaks and deep valleys.


The climate in the Graywall Mountains is typically cold and snowy, with harsh winters and milder summers.

Natural Resources

The Hold has abundant reserves of precious metals, gems, and other valuable minerals. Additionally, the surrounding mountains provide a variety of flora and fauna that the Minotaurs use for sustenance and crafting.
Founding Date
Outpost / Base
Location under


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