Sky Singers Aerie Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Sky Singers Aerie

The Sky Singers Aerie is a vibrant and colorful community of harpies, known for their captivating songs and joyous celebrations. Nestled high in the Graywall Mountains, the aerie boasts stunning views of the surrounding landscapes. The harpies of the Sky Singers Aerie are renowned for their ability to inspire a range of emotions through their singing, and they take great pride in their art, viewing it as a sacred expression of their connection to The Fury.


The population of the Sky Singers Aerie is diverse, consisting primarily of harpies, but also including a small number of other monstrous races that have embraced the harpies' way of life. They value artistic expression and communal living, leading to a close-knit community that supports and celebrates one another.


The aerie is led by a council of elder harpies known as the Chorus, who are respected for their wisdom and musical prowess. The Chorus makes decisions for the community through consensus, and their main focus is to ensure that the art of singing remains at the heart of the aerie's identity.  
  • Aria Songweaver
  • Melora Windchime
  • Orion Echocaller
  • Selene Starwing


The Sky Singers Aerie relies on its high-altitude location and the natural hazards of the Graywall Mountains to deter intruders. The complex network of tunnels also allows for quick and discrete escapes when necessary.

Industry & Trade

The primary industry of the aerie is the performance arts. The Sky Singers often trade their musical talents for supplies and other resources with neighboring communities.


The aerie is built into the cliffs and caves of the Graywall Mountains, with wooden platforms and nests lining the walls. Natural caves serve as communal gathering spaces and performance venues, while intricate tunnels connect various parts of the aerie.


The aerie is organized into different districts based on artistic disciplines. There are districts for singing, dancing, poetry, and instrumental music, each with its own unique ambiance and performance areas.


The harpies of the Sky Singers Aerie value their artistic skills and view them as their most precious asset. Their ability to inspire emotions through song has gained them admiration and trade from other communities, providing a source of income.

Guilds and Factions

The main faction within the aerie is the Chorus, the council of elder harpies who oversee artistic development and the preservation of their cultural heritage.


The Sky Singers Aerie was founded by a group of harpies who felt a deep connection to the Fury and her gift of song. They sought a place where they could freely express themselves through their art and built their community in the Graywall Mountains.

Points of interest

The main point of interest in the aerie is the Grand Harmony Hall, a vast cave where performances and musical competitions take place. The Melody Gardens are a series of platforms adorned with wind chimes and flowers, where harpies go to compose new songs and find inspiration.


The Sky Singers Aerie has become a popular destination for travelers seeking to experience the beauty of harpy song and dance. Visitors often attend the grand musical festivals hosted by the harpies.


The aerie's architecture is harmoniously integrated with the natural environment. Wooden platforms and nests are adorned with feathers and colorful decorations.


The Sky Singers Aerie is located on the cliffs and caves of the Graywall Mountains, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.


The climate is temperate but can be harsh during winter, making the Sky Singers adept at enduring the elements and turning their songs into warmth and joy.

Natural Resources

The aerie's primary natural resources are the rich variety of flora and fauna that inspire the harpies' songs. They also trade their artistic talents for resources from neighboring settlements.
Founding Date
Location under


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