Ironhorn Hold Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Ironhorn Hold

Ironhorn Hold is the largest and most prosperous settlement in the @grayw, home to the formidable Minotaur clan known as Clan Ironhorn. Perched high in the mountainside, the hold serves as the primary hub for metalworking and trade among the Minotaurs.


The population of Ironhorn Hold is predominantly made up of Minotaurs, with a small number of Harpies and Goblins living among them.


Ironhorn Hold is governed by a council of the clan's most esteemed elders, led by the clan's chieftain Grommash Ironhorn. Decisions are made collectively, with input from each elder contributing to the consensus though Grommash is closely advised by Hakan Stonebrow.


The hold's strategic location high in the mountains, along with its labyrinthine layout, serves as its primary defense against potential invaders. Minotaurs stationed at watchtowers and lookout posts keep a keen eye on the surrounding areas. Notable members of the watch guard include Rurik Boulderbreaker and Valdara Swifthoof

Industry & Trade

Metalworking is the dominant industry in Ironhorn Hold. They produce fine weapons and armor, and they are known for their expert craftsmanship, sought after by traders and mercenaries alike. The wisest among them is the Prime Hammer Thora Stonesplitter and mercantile whizz Valka Thunderhoof.


The hold is built within a vast series of underground labyrinths, providing protection and safety for its inhabitants. Durable stone structures and expertly crafted metalworks form the foundation of the hold's infrastructure.


The hold is divided into several districts, including the Forge District, Living Quarters, Market Square, and the Temple of the Horned Keeper, where the Minotaurs pay homage to their ancestral deity.


The Ironhorn clan's primary asset is their exceptional skill in metalworking. They forge superior weapons, armor, and tools using the abundant mineral resources found within the mountains.

Guilds and Factions

The Ironhorn clan has a metalworkers' guild, where master artisans pass down their skills to the next generation.


Clan Ironhorn's history is deeply rooted in the Graywall Mountains. They have lived there for generations, using their metalworking prowess to forge bonds with other clans and races in the region.

Points of interest

  • The Great Forge—A massive, ancient forge that has been passed down through generations. The heat emanating from it can be felt throughout the hold.
  • The Grand Horns Plaza—A central gathering area where important announcements are made and celebrations are held.


While not a major tourist destination, some travelers seek the fine craftsmanship of Ironhorn Hold and trade for their wares.


The buildings in Ironhorn Hold are primarily made of stone, with impressive metal ornamentation and motifs. Intricate carvings and etchings adorn the walls and structures.


Ironhorn Hold is situated high in the Graywall Mountains, with tall, jagged peaks surrounding it. The hold's labyrinthine design extends deep into the mountain caves.


The climate in the Graywall Mountains is harsh, with cold winters and mild summers. Snowfall is common, especially at higher elevations.

Natural Resources

The mountains provide abundant mineral resources, including iron, copper, and precious metals, which are essential for the metalworking trade of Ironhorn Hold.
Founding Date
Outpost / Base
Location under


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