Chapter 15 - The Red Widow's Web

Escape from Kah'ri

  Despite their exhaustion from the recent encounter, Aerilaya 's soul was successfully reunited with her body, and only a few hours had passed in the bustling streets of Port-a-Lucine . Meanwhile, Thuldor Ironbreaker found himself torn between the allure of using the shard of the arcane star, containing a potent wish spell, to fulfill his deepest desires and the cautionary words imparted to him by Nikoli .   Though tensions lingered among the party after their recent conflict, they remained bound by their commitment to serve as hired bodyguards for the Falkovnian fishmonger, Manfred Heincrich . However, before setting out on their next task, Aerilaya insisted on speaking with her son Zildeen , despite her weakened state.   Gathering their resolve, the party prepared to fulfill their obligations while navigating the delicate balance between personal desires and the weight of responsibility that hung heavy upon their shoulders. The path ahead remained uncertain, fraught with both danger and the promise of redemption.  

Family Secrets

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The air in Aerilaya 's room hung heavy with a chill that lingered from the enchantment that had nearly claimed her life, serving as a somber reminder of the peril she had narrowly escaped. Upon the bed, Zildeen Zaratul beheld his mother, her frail form a stark contrast to the vibrant woman she once was. Weak but alive, Aerilaya beckoned her son to her side, her voice barely above a whisper after the ordeal she had endured.   As Zildeen Zaratul sat beside her, Aerilaya Zaratul revealed a secret she had long kept hidden, one that would forever change their understanding of her origins. With trembling hands, she removed her wedding band, its enchantments shimmering faintly in the dim light of the chamber. With a whispered incantation, her form began to shift, the illusion of her drow guise fading away to reveal her true heritage.  
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  Aerilaya Zaratul confessed to her son that she was one of the Arak people, exiled from the Shadow Rift for a transgression she was not yet ready to divulge. The revelation left Zildeen Zaratul stunned, his mind struggling to reconcile the image of his mother with this newfound knowledge of her true nature.   As the enchantment waned, Aerilaya's once lavender skin changed to a ghostly paleness, while her snow-white hair transformed into a glossy black, reminiscent of ink spilled upon parchment. She grew nearly a foot from a once short frame. In that moment, she lay before her son as she truly was, a being of darkness and shadow, forever bound by the secrets of her past.  
"Before you my son, we would have thought your birth was an impossibility." - Aerilaya Zaratul to her son, Zildeen 

A Dark Union

  As Aerilaya instructed, Zildeen retrieved the ebony wood box from the fire mantel, curiosity mingling with apprehension as he handed it to his mother. With a solemn expression, Aerilaya opened the box, revealing a pendant crafted from black onyx crystal, suspended from a simple leather cord. The pendant seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy as she held it in her trembling hands.   With a heavy heart, Aerilaya began to recount the tale of Zildeen 's birth, a miraculous event that defied the laws of her people's history. She explained how, as the offspring of her union with Erlathan , a Drow, Zildeen faced unforeseen challenges regarding his shadow. While the Arak people possessed the ability to control and manipulate their shadows, Zildeen's shadow proved to be malevolent, causing increasingly more violent havoc and danger to those around him.   Driven by concern for her son's safety and the well-being of others, Aerilaya and Erlathan sought out a solution, eventually discovering a wizard in the land of Hazlan rumored to possess the power to remove shadow essence from cursed objects. Desperate and hopeful, they struck a deal with the wizard, subjecting Zildeen to a risky experiment.   Aerilaya Zaratul recounted how the ritual was a success, with Zildeen Zaratul 's shadow essence, the aspect of him most closely tied to the spirit of Arak , being trapped within the onyx crystal pendant. Despite her wishes for him to live a peaceful life, Zildeen Zaratul had grown into a renowned adventurer, and she knew he possessed the strength to make his own choices.   Now, with the pendant in his hands, Aerilaya Zaratul imparted her final instructions to her son. He needed only to meditate with the crystal for at least an hour, allowing his shadow to rejoin him. Yet, she expressed uncertainty about whether he could fully control its dark impulses, a lingering concern that weighed heavily upon her heart.  

  Aerilaya Zaratul's final plea to her son weighed heavy with the burden of necessity, a solemn request born of dire circumstance and the weight of her own affliction. With every ounce of strength left within her, she implored him to assist in the return of the cursed artifact responsible for her wretched state, knowing full well the gravity of her request and the peril it posed. Though her words were fraught with sorrow and resignation, she knew that in fulfilling this final task, she would at last find release from the shackles of her cursed fate.    

A Spiritual Calling

  Leaving his mother to rest and process the weighty revelations, Zildeen Zaratul made his way to the parlor of the Owl's Roost , where his friends awaited. Despite the gravity of their recent discoveries, time pressed on, and the party had a commitment to fulfill as hired bodyguards for Manfred Heincrich at the Delacourte Shipping yard.   With a sense of urgency, Erlathan Zaratul instructed Hildor to prepare the carriage, tasking him with escorting Zildeen and their newfound allies to the docks. Bidding his father farewell, Zildeen assured his father of their return by morning, a promise tinged with the uncertainty of their upcoming endeavors. Thuldor Ironbreaker was deeply affected by their latest endevour, remembering his own family lost long ago. Choosing to take a walk instead of the Zaratul family carriage, Thuldor Ironbreaker would meet them at the docks after some solitary contemplations.   As the carriage passed by the imposing silhouette of the Mother of Tears Cathedral , Zenobia felt a stirring within her soul, a call that tugged at her heartstrings with an irresistible force. Sensing the divine presence of Ezra beckoning her forth, she knew that her path diverged from that of her companions, leading her towards a new chapter of spiritual awakening within the hallowed halls of the cathedral.   With a heavy heart yet a sense of resolve, Zenobia requested Hildor to stop the carriage, bidding her newfound friends farewell as she embarked upon her journey towards enlightenment within the Church of Ezra . As she stepped through the threshold of the cathedral, she embraced the uncertainty of the future with open arms, trusting in the guidance of her newfound faith to illuminate her path and bring solace to her restless spirit.   As they set out on their journey, Zildeen and the Heroes of the Tide embarked on their first day as hired protectors, their minds weighed down by the secrets and responsibilities that awaited them.  

Reporting for Duty

  Manfred's impatience was palpable as the party finally arrived, his demeanor tinged with a hint of irritation at their tardiness. Upon noticing Zenobia 's absence, he voiced his displeasure, though his disappointment was swiftly replaced by a cunning gleam in his eye as he saw an opportunity unfold.   Instructing Anethra Luliandre to change into attire more suitable for the evening's activities, Manfred 's gaze lingered appreciatively on her, a subtle smirk playing at the corners of his lips. Anethra Luliandre , well-versed in weaponizing the male gaze, acquiesced not out of submission, but rather with a calculated understanding of the power she wielded.   Her dress, though revealing, exuded a captivating elegance, its black fabric adorned with intricate beading and laces of silver and golden silk. As the dress hugged her form with perfection, Manfred Heincrich couldn't help but attribute its flawless fit to his own discerning eye and purported expertise in matters of the female form.   Feigning flattery at his thinly veiled compliments, she played her part with practiced finesse, knowing all too well how to navigate the intricacies of manipulation and power dynamics. With a subtle smile, she joined Manfred Heincrich in his carriage, her demeanor a mask of compliance hiding the sharp intellect and cunning that lay beneath the surface.   Meanwhile, the rest of the party was left to follow on foot, a showy caravan intended to convey an illusion of power and importance, orchestrated by their new employer's desire to assert dominance and control. As they set off into the night, the air crackled with tension and intrigue, each member of the party acutely aware of the delicate dance they were about to embark upon.  

A Stroll Down Widow's Walk

  As the carriage halted at the northern wall of Port-a-Lucine , a stark division between opulence and poverty loomed before them. Towering stone and steel structures rose high, serving not only as a barrier against invading forces but also as a stark divide between the affluent merchant quarter and the destitution of the working class and industrial regions.   With a dismissive wave of his hand, Manfred Heincrich declared that the remainder of their journey would be on foot, relishing the opportunity to immerse themselves in the "real Port-a-Lucine experience" he so often boasted about. The contrast was immediate as they stepped onto the streets, leaving behind the well-kept cobblestones for mud and gravel-strewn pathways that stained the crumbling facades of the impoverished dwellings.   The air grew heavy with the stench of decay and desperation, mingling with the odor of bodily waste that lingered in the narrow alleyways. The denizens of this side of the gate wore tattered rags, their faces etched with the hardships of their daily existence.   Navigating through a dimly lit alley, Manfred Heincrich led the party onward, claiming it to be a shortcut to their undisclosed destination. However, their path was soon obstructed by a group of bandits, led by a female halfling with dark hair clad in tactical leathers. Her demands were simple: pay them gold, and they would be allowed to pass unharmed. Manfred's pride bristled at the notion of submitting to such extortion, his resolve steeled against any threat to his perceived authority. With a steely gaze, he refused to comply, unwilling to allow his dignity to be tarnished by the likes of common criminals.    


Bringing Down the House

  As Manfred Heincrich stood firm against the bandits' demands, Thuldor Ironbreaker seized the opportunity to take action. Swift and silent, he maneuvered to a strategic position, unleashing the power of his Stoneshaper to topple the ruinous wall upon the criminals and their reinforcements. Stone and rubble cascaded down, burying the would-be attackers and Thuldor alike beneath a cloud of dust and debris.   Amidst the chaos, Anethra Luliandre sprung into action, her martial prowess on full display as she engaged the gang leader and her henchmen with calculated precision. With a flurry of strikes and maneuvers, she swiftly incapacitated her foes, leaving them reeling in defeat.   Faced with the sudden turn of events, the remaining bandits retreated into the familiar alleys of their home turf, leaving their fallen comrades behind beneath the rubble. As one of the criminals struggled to free himself, Gungus 's axe fell with deadly accuracy, severing his arm from his body, while Manfred Heincrich swiftly dispatched him with a brutal blow from his walking cane.   With the remaining bandits subdued and at their mercy, a tense standoff ensued between Thuldor Ironbreaker and Manfred Heincrich as the latter insisted on their execution. However, the party's moral compass balked at the notion of cold-blooded murder, even of criminals. After a fierce display of will, Manfred relented, swayed by the party's conviction and the desire to salvage the mood of his evening.   The bandits, spared from their grim fate, fled into the night as the party continued their stroll, the evidence of their encounter swiftly erased by Suol 's prestidigitation. Though the threat had passed, the echoes of their encounter lingered, a reminder of the dangers that lurked within the shadows of the city.  

Red Widow Theater

  Emerging from the alleyway, the party found themselves amidst a vibrant and bustling cabaret, where dancers twirled, street performers entertained, and revelers reveled in the flickering light of enormous bonfires. Shadows danced upon every surface, casting an enchanting spell over the lively scene.   With grandiosity befitting his status, Manfred introduced the party to the Red Widow Theater , an establishment he held dear from his time in Port-a-Lucine . However, amidst the festivities, a somber undercurrent was revealed as the party noticed the numerous flyers adorning the walls, pleading for information about missing loved ones. Heart-wrenching scenes unfolded before them, as a woman stood on a street corner, clutching a painted portrait of her husband and beseeching passersby for any sign of his whereabouts.   Meanwhile, at the entrance to the Red Widow Theater , a middle-aged halfling woman engaged in a heated argument with the door attendant, pleading for free admittance in search of her wayward husband. Despite her impassioned pleas, the guard remained unmoved, refusing her entry without payment.   Meanwhile, Zildeen Zaratul , ever curious, paid her admittance into the theater, eager to witness the unfolding drama that his act of generosity may provoke. As they stepped into the dimly lit interior, the promise of intrigue and adventure hung heavy in the air, mingling with the scent of anticipation and the echoes of distant laughter.  

Ranot's Recietal

  Manfred confidently led the party to their designated seating, his gaze fixed on a specific table despite its current occupants. Without hesitation, Gungus strode forward, his presence commanding as he issued a stern command that left the table's occupants no choice but to vacate their seats. With the spoils claimed, Manfred Heincrich gallantly pulled out a chair for Anethra Luliandre , a gesture of charm that belied the true nature of their arrangement. Zildeen Zaratul scanned the room for any signs of potential danger. Although there didn't seem to be any threats, there was a curious elven gentlemen that seemed to take more notice of those in attendance than the pending performance.  

    Though aware of the manipulative tactics at play, Anethra Luliandre played her part with practiced grace, her demeanor a mask of compliance masking her sharp intellect and keen awareness of the situation at hand. As Manfred Heincrich began to express his fondness for the upcoming performance and his tradition of attending at least one show whenever he conducted business in Dementlieu , a sense of anticipation filled the air.   However, the atmosphere shifted abruptly as an unfamiliar gentleman took to the stage, introducing himself as Ronat Rriht , the new owner of the establishment. With an air of confidence, he announced the premiere of a new play, written, directed, and starring himself. Manfred 's displeasure was palpable, his features tightening with a hint of irritation as the curtain rose and the performance began.          

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The air was thick with anticipation as the curtains rose, revealing a stage adorned with crimson velvet drapes and flickering candlelight. The audience hushed in awe as enchanting music filled the air, setting the stage for a tale of bravery, betrayal, and magic. Dancing onto the stage were the beautiful women in vibrant red costumes, their flowing skirts swirling with each graceful movement and their bare breasts igniting the lust of the patrons . The atmosphere was both sultry and mysterious, setting the perfect tone for the spectacle that was about to unfold. As the performers began to move in intricate patterns, their bodies contorting and swirling like flames, a narrator's voice resonated through the hall, weaving the story of a brave hero who belonged to the persecuted Church of the Spider Queen. The tale unfolded in a series of mesmerizing dance routines, each choreographed to convey the hero's struggles and triumphs.   The story took a dark turn as a foolish fairy prince, portrayed with whimsical grace, appeared on stage. The prince, fearing the growing power of the Church, plotted against them, leading to the tragic demise of the church's leader, Tristessa. Yet, the Church endured in secret, hidden from the watchful eyes of the prince.   Decades passed, and a new threat emerged—horrid creatures capable of influencing the minds of the fairy people. The creatures are portrayed by actors in tattered robes with multiple hanging appendages dangling from beneath hoods. The hero, driven by the desire to save his people, embarked on a perilous journey north. The broken wizard, a character of mysterious demeanor draped in kingly robes and face painted in the image of death, was introduced as the only hope for salvation.   In a captivating scene, the hero and the broken wizard struck a deal. The broken wizard, played with haunting charisma, would use his magic to banish the mind-controlling creatures from the land. Upon the stage, a cart was revealed holding a nest filled with five flickering lanterns made to resemble dragon eggs. However, a sinister twist awaited the hero, as the broken wizard banished him into the abyss, taking one of the five dragon eggs.   The burlesque performance reached its climax as the dancers, now embodying the mystical creatures, moved in synchronized harmony. The broken wizard, holding the stolen dragon egg, exuded malevolent power, while the hero struggled against the abyss. The audience was held in suspense as the final act unfolded, leaving them both enchanted and haunted by the dark and magical tale of the champion of the Spider Queen.

A Poor Review

  Displeased with the lackluster performance, Manfred's frustration boiled over as he summoned a tavern server to his table. Outraged, he demanded to speak with Richelle de Mauvais , whom he seemed to hold in high regard and alluded to as the true owner of the Red Widow Theater . The server, sensing the gravity of Manfred 's displeasure, promised to convey his message and assured him that Richelle de Mauvais would address his concerns.   With his mood soured by the disappointing entertainment, Manfred sought solace in the gambling hall, eager to turn his fortunes around through games of chance. Leading the party into the dimly lit room filled with tables and cards, he introduced them to the Goblin's Gambit, a game renowned for its high stakes and strategic cunning.   In a tense showdown of wills, the party skillfully manipulated Manfred Heincrich 's ego against himself, emerging victorious and claiming a grand purse as their reward. Though seemingly unfazed by the loss, Manfred maintained his jovial demeanor as he excused himself to attend to additional business in a back room, his attention drawn by the arrival of two prominent figures in Port-a-Lucine , Stefan Dryeth and Marcel Delacourte .    

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An Invite to the Opera

  Left to their own devices, the party ventured deeper into the theater and stumbled upon a smoking den suffused with the heady aroma of incense and tobacco. Red plush lounges beckoned invitingly, surrounded by ornate hookahs that adorned each table. Seated amidst the opulent surroundings, they engaged in discussions about their current circumstances, pondering their next steps in the unfolding drama.   In a moment of introspection, Zildeen Zaratul resolved to reclaim his shadow, releasing the essence trapped within the onyx crystal pendant that hung around his neck. Yet, his actions did not go unnoticed, as his gaze met that of two other guests who observed them from across the room. Sensing their curiosity, Zildeen Zaratul gestured for them to join their company, eager to uncover the reason behind their interest.    

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  Introducing themselves as U'ta Refson and Delia , the figures inquired if Zildeen was related to one of their old professors at the University of Dementlieu . Zildeen confirmed his lineage, acknowledging that he was indeed the son of Erlathan Zaratul . Seemingly excited by this revelation, U'ta revealed that he had heard of Zildeen through one of his talents, Sari Pretorius , a childhood friend of Zildeen 's. Inviting the party to attend the premiere performance of a new opera in two nights at the Port-a-Lucine Opera House , where Sari Pretorius would be starring in the title role, U'ta Refson bid them a good night before departing the establishment with his companion.   As the smoke from the hookahs lingered in the air, the party found themselves intrigued by the unexpected encounter, their thoughts turning to the possibilities that lay ahead. With an invitation to a prestigious event now extended to them, they pondered the implications of this newfound connection as they continued to explore the depths of the Red Widow Theater.