BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 71

General Summary

  • Morgana disappears, leaving the party to discuss their options around going back in time
  • It seems that everyone is in favour of returning to the past, except for Godric, who believes that building a temple to Morgana is too high a price to pay
  • After some discussion, Godric heads to the Order of the Shield to speak with Commander Ariadne Knightsbridge, with Atlas and Leah in tow
  • Godric explains their current situation to Ariadne, and asks the commander what her opinion on the matter is. Somewhat taken aback by the revelation, Ariadne believes that it would be in the country's best interest if the party are able to return to the past - with the hope that they can make a difference to the bleak present they find themselves in
  • Ariadne provides a timeline of events regarding the Nakaban expansion, and Erfu's attacks
  • The group ask about Harmony too, mainly when she left the city and when she returned with her new sword
  • Ariadne explains that the bard took the first month of the year off, and travelled during that time. She didn't have the sword until she returned around the end of Unmin
  • The commander questions the interest in Harmony, and the group explain her dealings with devils, and her attempted murder of Veda. With the possibility of Ariadne not remembering any of this, the commander decides not to act on this information due to the current state of events
  • Before the group leave the order, Ariadne asks Godric about the "Vampies", and whether he was able to find out what they were. She comments that he didn't make any notes about the Feywild, but when comparing notes, it seems that what Godric had written simply didn't come through. Ariadne suggests the tiefling have his book checked out once they return to the past
  • Meanwhile, Marty and Eva attempt a couple of Sendings.
  • The first is sent to Rosie Miz, the outed Silver Dragon. Asking what is going on with the dragons, a strained reply comes through warning that her kind are being controlled by the elves, against their will. The fair folk have a powerful artefact, which is being used by a man called Sundamar Lightshiver (which Baxilden later explains is a member of the Elven High Council)
  • The 2nd Sending is sent to Odion, The Transmuter, to try and find out where he is. The spell fails to get through however, possibly indicating that the man is dead
  • Eva begins to initiate a conversation regarding Marty's diary, to which the cleric responds by flying away
  • Marty pays a visit to her old professor friend, who is doing well under the circumstances, but knows nothing more about Odion's disappearance or the wars
  • She then heads to The Lover's Nest, where she shares a drink with Lust and asks about love and relationships.
  • The tiefling gives her opinion on Marty's predicament, suggesting that the cleric should take the chance or else forever be stuck in limbo
  • Veda heads to her parent's home to ask Coda about when her husband died. The point should hopefully be moot however, as the chain of events that resulted in "Dermot" exploding should now never occur
  • Whilst there, Coda produces a letter that arrived for Veda some time ago. The exquisite handwriting on the front looks familiar, and once opened, it is confirmed to be from Cassandra De La Hûne
  • Cassandra explains in her letter that she is truly sorry for everything that happened. She had never intended for anyone to get hurt, and that she got in too deep with her work. The Master of Glamour had faked her death somehow, and has invited Veda to find her in Devi's Tower of Hiku City, should she wish to talk
  • This letter reminds Coda that the College of Exquisite Arts has been trying to fill Cassandra's position recently, and that Veda is being considered for the job
  • Back at the tower, Leah and Verana Mavros attempt to scry on Erfu, but are magically blocked. Pulling back, their scry on the Erfu Forest is successful, and reveals at least a dozen dragons flying around the area - as well as a patch of the forest that has been flattened
  • As everyone returns to the tower, Leah pulls Marty aside to confront the half-elf about her recent behaviour. Leah asks about her Glacious Day gift, and some of the recent interactions they've had with Leah's friends
  • Marty confesses that she has feelings for Leah, and although Leah doesn't immediately reciprocate, she does suggest that they could see where things go once their immediate troubles are resolved
  • With everyone now in agreement that they should accept Morgana's deal, some of the party take the opportunity to get drunk - with hopefully no repercussions
  • In the early hours of the morning once everyone has gone to bed, the party are disturbed by banging on the walls of their tower. Baxilden relays that it's Harmony, with a dozen Knights of the Shield
  • Marty yells out to the bard to ask what she wants. Harmony explains that she has been sent to ask for the adventurer's aid, as 2 dragons have been spotted en route to the city. The Order wants to try and intercept the dragons before they reach the capital, and is sending 2 airships to do so
  • Harmony heads off to rouse Tobur Fûne, as the group begin getting prepared to leave. Leah asks Godric to borrow the The Unbreakable Chain, and the party discover that Godric has lost the item, some time ago
  • Reading between the lines, it is believed that Godric has lost the item on purpose. This infuriates Leah, who feels that her trust in Godric has been broken. Fed up with the party's actions, Leah decides to stay at the tower whilst everyone else rushes to the Airdock
  • Veda holds back to speak with Leah, and manages to convince the Eladrin to join the fight
  • Down by the airdock, the party find Harmony, Captain Carella Loyalar, Tobur Fûne, Cecelia, The Abjurer (and her student, Rello), Meg Soot, a dozen knights armed with ranged weapons, and the crew of the airships making preparations
  • Harmony explains how they will split their groups onto 2 ships, with both abjuration wizards using their spells to protect the pilots and navigational equipment
  • This relatively small group is all they can afford to send right now, and it certainly seems like they needed the Unlikely Association's aid
  • Harmony gives a quick inspiring performance, before the 2 ships take off from the city, quickly heading north on their course to intercept the dragons...
Report Date
12 Nov 2021
Primary Location


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