BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 74

General Summary

  • Marty hosts another meeting of Foeir Anand at the Church of the Goddess, where she uses higher level magic to summon the seraph once more - this time, visible to everybody present
  • Those who are gathered are granted what they believe to be a blessing by the seraph, as the angel speaks random words in the language of angels. The seraph tells Marty that Mortona doesn't really give out blessings in this way, but he is happy to play along as long as the cleric does a favour for the angel personally, to be determined at a later date
  • The following morning, the party head over to the Order of the Shield, where they meet with Commander Ariadne Knightsbridge and Knight-Commander Devianne.
  • Devianne is convinced to cast Zone of Truth, before the party explain that they have seen the future, and it's not so good. The group provide a timeline of events for both Nakaba's advancements, and the dragon attacks from Erfu
  • Devianne says that they will increase numbers and patrols in and around Mintaun as an immediate precaution, and that they can help with the Airdock construction as a means of aerial defence.
  • The Knight-Commander asks if the group would be willing to sneak into Nakaba once more to slay the giant turtle monster, and then attempt to capture Greta Boulderfist for her execution. Devianne suspects that the dwarven leader won't come so willingly this time, and that she grants permission for lethal force to be used if necessary. She advises keeping any violence out of the public eye however, least the tensions be raised with the people of Nakaba
  • The commanders lament that they have no contact with Erfu, and are unsure of how they can prevent what occurs there. They do have some time to prepare however, and do what they can in the meantime. Devianne asks if the party have any ideas, with a further discussion still necessary once the issues with Nakaba have been resolved
  • Godric mentions that they should cancel Harmony's upcoming leave, but doesn't offer a very clear reason. The party dodge around the subject of Harmony's recent actions, but after some pushing on Devianne's part, they eventually explain the bard's devil pact and future crimes
  • Devianne sends Ariadne to collect the bard, but she is nowhere to be found
  • The meeting is adjourned, and the party split up to complete some personal errands
  • Atlas and Marty head to the University of Magic to re-buy the magic items they purchased in the future
  • Atlas tells Odion, The Transmuter about the secret rooms in the sewers where the bridges can be retracted. Heading down into the remarkably clean sewers to find said rooms, the pair encounter a Gelatinous Cube and decide to turn back. Asking Ariadne about it, Atlas learns that the Order is aware of there being dangers in the sewers, and that generally they just avoid going down there if possible
  • Atlas then heads to Hammer & Rune to buy some supplies, where he meets Brunhilde Steelforger. The dwarf explains that she has been helping Bracken and Fenna with their Sygaldry, and they believe that they are now able to apply 2 runes to items, instead of just 1
  • Eva takes this opportunity to get her armour modified, leaving the set with the dwarves. Brunhilde says that it will take a bit of time due to the complex nature of making 2 runes work together
  • Veda speaks to her father about what they experienced in the future, and he agrees to share what he knows of dragons with the Order of the Shield. He will also conduct further research in case there is anything that could be useful
  • The party set off to the east towards Nakaba, making a stop at the Dora Lake on the way
  • Atlas uses his magic to allow everyone to breathe underwater, and the group swim down to the bottom of the lake
  • After a bit of investigation, Kenshin magically attunes to his signet ring and compels it to open the large stone door on the lake bed. As the door opens, a rush of salt water hits the group, as they swim through to what they know to be the Plane of Water
  • As the stone door shuts behind them, the group find themselves in an underwater cavern, filled with sea water and small fish
  • Swimming around a bend, they encounter some more sea life, including coral, vegetation, and a shark
Report Date
11 Dec 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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