An old woman named Jels tends the lighthouse here. She lives alone, and recieves no supplies beyond a single boat from Tolston once a year containing oils and any spare parts she's ordered. Something here repels the inky mist of the Black Ocean, but the mist closes tightly about this island as if constantly laying siege to it. The light of the lighthouse does penetrate a good 20 miles into the darkness and is the first thing any sailor returning from the region will see - and even to this day, there are the occassional brave and foolhardy captains who will try to do that, trawling the islands to the south in search of treasures or rare goods.
The tower here is made of the same oily-grey stone that the keep in Tolston and the Old Fort in the Guildhall docks are construsted of. It repels all magic and is strengthened by radiant energy.