

74% Human, 15% Genie-kin, 6% Halfling, 4% Oogwaiian, 1% others


All local laws have been handed down by the reigning royal family in Emidon. Many of the laws have remained unchanged since time immemorial, and are said to have been written by Marduk. These laws are administered by the chosen representative of the King, Lord-Regent Samsara. He in turn adjudicates city priorities to trusted advisors.


The bulk of the city is encircled by an ancient, monolithic wall of massive stones. A series of sturdy stone staircases provide access to virtually any section of this curtain wall. Each segment is separated from the next by a high tower.

Industry & Trade

The town grows extensive crops of emmer wheat, barley and millet, as well as various fruits and vegetables. Sheep and goats are kept as much for their milk as for their meat. smallish herds of medium-sized sauropods are kept for meat and eggs. A growing trade in nickel ore, for use in the metalworking, has recently brought an influx of blacksmith and armorers to the once sparse market.


Many of the houses and stores, especially in the newer sections of town, are constructed of mud brick as timber comes at a high cost in this region. The oldest part of town, as well as the paving stones and walls of the town, are made of monolithic dense stone. The identity of the builders of the original settlement, and it's underworks, has been lost to time. The oldest section of town is separated from the rest of the town by a single massive bridge


Built across the Uthash river, several days ride of The Serpent Desert. The waters of the Uthash river are clear, deep and quite rich in fish and river-dwelling game . This tributary river does not flood as regularly others in the region do, but the soil in the surrounding region grows plentiful crops in most years. A great sea of grass and scrub spreads in every direction for as far as the eye can see.

Natural Resources

The local farms grow plentiful crops of grains, fruits and vegetables, ranches tend flocks of sheep and goats, and a number of small mining settlements nearby provide valuable ore for trade.


  • Lawful Neutral Large Town
  • Corruption -2; Crime +0; Economy +1; Law +2; Lore +2; Society -1
  • Qualities holy site, monastic order, on the shoulders of giants
  • Danger +5


  • Government Autocracy
  • Population 4,069 (3000 humans, 600 Planetouched, 250 halflings, 150 Oogwaians, 69 others)

Notable NPCs

  • High-Priest of Anu Namha (NG Male Aasimar Oracle 13)
  • Abbot of the Monastery Imamkuum (LN Male Suli Sensei 10)
  • Governer Lord-Regent Samsara (NG Venerable Male Human Aristocrat 8)
  • Blacksmith Ayabal (N Female Ifrit Expert 6)


  • Base Value 2,000gp; Purchase Limit 10,000gp; Spellcasting 7th level
  • Minor Items 3d4; Medium Items 2d4; Major Items 1d4
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization

Articles under Arqash


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