Isle of Dread

The native humans in the Isle of Dread are still Aztlan. Other races include kopru and other aquatic races, demonic beings, and dinosaurs.

The Aztlan of the Isle of Dread are divided into various clans based on animal totems: the Ape, Tiger, Boar, and Sea Turtle. The villages are governed by female chiefs, while the clans are led by males. A local Zombie Master or Mistress also exists in each village as an advisor to the chief. The job of the Zombie Master is to animate corpses to be used as laborers or warriors.


The Isle of Dread is located in the Diroua Gulf, a tropical region bordered by the Azure Sea to the north, the Pearl Sea to the south, the Ahedara Jungle to the east and Halauros Ocean to the east. This large expanse of ocean contains several island chains, one of which contains the Isle of Dread itself.   The Aztlan of the Isle of Dread and nearby islands total more than 2000 inhabitants, organized into seven settlements. Their villages include Kirikura, Dawa, Usi, Mora, Panitube, Burowao, and Tanaroa.


The Isle of Dread was settled by Aztlan humans more than 1,300 years ago, and they called it Xacate. They cleared the jungle, planted crops, and built a fortified city, known as Thanaclan, on top of a large central plateau. This city-state became one of the wealthiest provinces of the Aztlan kingdom, in large part due to the recovery of treasure in the waters off the coast. In addition, their isolated location kept them from becoming embroiled in the civil wars that afflicted the Aztlan further north, helping to maintain this prosperity.


Unfortunately, a kopru plot destroyed Thanaclan through the power of a giant black pearl imbued with the influence of Demogorgon, the demonic god of the kopru. The city was swallowed by a boiling lake and the island was overwhelmed with prehistoric creatures, while the remaining Aztlan descended into savagery.

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