Seeker Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Seeker does their best work outside of combat, manipulating the minds of potential enemies to avoid conflit. Though they has an array of magical items to fall back on should the need arise.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

They're in good shape, but they wasn't designed to be terribly strong. They're agile but was built to be unassuming that with clothes and a little magic to disguise them as an organic creature thats exactly what they are.

Body Features

Dull gray metal plating on the outside with an internal skeletal and muscular framework of mithral. Though they have no reproductive system and identify as nonbinary they keep their physical shape female presenting for two reasons. The first is in the kinds of circles they generally ends up infiltrating people are less guarded around women and Seeker uses this to their advantage. The second is its easier to create more believable illusions along the lines of reason 1 if the natural form is close to the target illusion.

Identifying Characteristics

They are built from scratch so there are no other warforged that look quite like they do.

Physical quirks

Very light on their feet.

Special abilities

  • Constructed Resilience / Sentry's Rest / Integrated Protection
  • Medium Armor Master / Keen Mind / Skilled / Eldritch Adept
  • Arcane Recovery / Enchantment Savant / Hypnotic Gaze
  • Instinctive Charm / Split Enchantment / Alter Memories
  • Spell Mastery - Charm Person / Detect Thoughts

Apparel & Accessories

Wears dress pants and a clean shirt with a light trench coat. The coat is magical but swaps out outfits to match whatever environment they're heading into.

Specialized Equipment

  • Seeker's Overlay
  • Half Plate +3
  • Handy Haversack
  • Coat of Useful Items
  • Griffon Component Pack

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Seeker was created to seek out the enemies of Melren, a powerful archmagi. Primarily used for assassinations, intimidation, and infiltrating organizations to steal rare materials and artifacts. Seeker executed his orders without question or hesitation. After every successful mission Melren's investment in them would be proven and they would be upgraded with a new rare item or trained in a new skill.   As missions exposed them to more and more of the world and its peoples they no longer blindly obeyed but sought to interact with people and understand them. They turned from a servant into a fully sentient being and while they still loved and obeyed Melren they began exercising them own discression while working. During a hunt for a particularly powerful enemy of Melren, they spared the life of the targets son and it came back to bite them. They was followed back from the meeting spot and Melren during them next mission allies of the recently killed target as well as a collection of mages and nobles he had made enemies of combined their forces and stormed The Weeping Peak.   Though Melren himself was powerful and Conrad Bristlebark, Gimblekanks and June were all present they were not enough to stop the combined forces. Melren was killed and his soul used as fuel in a spell to ensure his permenant death.   When Seeker returned they found chaos and death. They were able to call Hala to stabilize and restore the other servants but all they could do was burry their master. Hala remained but the peak was a sad and quiet place. Seeker continued to make trips to the world outside and pursue them desire to meet people and experience life.   On one such excursion they found themself helping Xior and Seteth break into a smugglers mansion to access some records. The pair had planned to fight thier way in but with Seekers help they just walked in the front door and took what they needed. After, they attempted to recruit them and they asked if they had a place to stay. They said no and offered to let them rest with them at the Peak. 'Its not much, but its home' they said, as they teleported them to the mystical mountain base making its own waterfalls high over the virgin forest.   Talks ensued and The Windblown ended up turning the base into their base of operations with the help of the Servents of Melren. Seeker now uses them skills to handle delicate operations and infromation gathering for Seteth and is more satisfied with the shift in general morality of them missions.


They was created and taught by an archmage and has an amazing education. They has good knowledge of history religion politics and Nature, and went to train in enchantment magic with one of his allies, the lich Cas Nor Alaf.   They also has a fair amount of practical experience dealing with people. They're been out and about in the world gathering information at bars, persuading and lying and observing. They has made more than a few friends in this time as well, and makes a point to learn about the reality of the different lives people live.


Steady employment with the Windblown.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Years and years of successful assignments
  • Mastery of high level magic
  • They takes great pride in the friendships they're made all across the world

Mental Trauma

While they recognizes that his enemies would have found him eventually, it was Seeker they learned the peaks sigil sequence from.

Intellectual Characteristics

Seeker is bright and inquisitive. They thrive on improvisation and the missions they're sent on give her that. They're at their best on their toes or relaxing with friends. Their magic allows them to influence the minds of others and sometimes bend them to their will but it is not always a guarenteed thing and executing missions the way they do requires creative thinking, skill and flexibility. They love it.

Morality & Philosophy

They doesn't want to hurt anyone and they pride themself on being able to get in and out of most situations without violence. That said its all relative and the worse the people they're interacting with the less objection they has to something going wrong.

Personality Characteristics


Seeker wants to see and experience everything. There are obviously certain things they can't do being a warforged but they can be around people and attempt to make their lives better. They also requires a fair deal of mental stimulation and while they recognizes the gravity of the tasks assigned to them by Seteth, to them they're really more like elaborate puzzles they gets to solve. They're happy with how their life is going right now.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Arcana +11
  • Deception +11
  • Insight +9
  • Intimidation +11
  • Investigation +11
  • Perception +9
  • Persuasion +11
  • Stealth +9
  • Brewer's Supplies, Dice Set, Dragonchess Set, Thieves' Tools
  • Athletics +0
  • Survival +3
  • Slight of Hand +3
  • Low HP

Likes & Dislikes

  • Traveling just talking to people from different places
  • People watching
  • Animals
  • Puzzles
  • Boredom
  • Being pushed and ordered, they've gotten used to having a degree of autonomy
  • Sticky things

Virtues & Personality perks

Seeker has been around a while and they're seen all sorts of things but hasn't lost any of their enthusiasm or curiosity. They're intelligent, kind, and genuinely cares about people they're barely met. They work hard to avoid hurting people or leaving a situation where they could be targeted.

Vices & Personality flaws

They're been pretty powerful for a long time and tends to blow off issues that, to other people are life or death but they could handle in an afternoon. They don't mean to belittle anyone but they have just never been in that position.


Always cleans themself up when they've got a second



Member (Important)

Towards The Windblown - Relationship



The Windblown - Relationship

Company (Important)

Towards Seeker




Seeker was there before the company formed officially and brought the founders to the peak for the first time. They've been vibing with the company for a while and they have no plans on switching things up soon. The company also gets crazy value out of seeker's skills.

Current Location
Date of Birth
30 Uktar, 1400 DR (Feast of the Moon)
The Weeping Peak
Nonbinary female presenting
Glowing teal
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark metal plates over a mithral frame
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Eyes of the Rune Keeper
This article has no secrets.


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