Alturus Ultaius

Alturus Ultaius is the Caesar's Legion ambassador to the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave, with his center of operations within the Legion Embassy inside New Vegas. Alturus is a veteran of the Mojave Campaign, serving under the original Caesar at every battle in the northern Mojave from the First Battle of Camp Guardian in 2270 until the Second Battle of Hoover Dam in 2281.    As a centurion, Alturus became a legend among his contemporaries, building his name upon the broken backs of New California Republic Rangers. Despite his peers calling his tactics "cowardly" Alturus used the Rangers' own tactics against them. The areas west of Camp Guardian were open desert, nowhere for the rangers to lay their famous ambushes, so Alturus and his Century would raid supply lines and minor settlements until they couldn't be ignored, and when the rangers went into the desert after them, they would erupt from the sands, and annihilate them squad by squad. By 2276, Chief Hanlon's intelligence officers had evidence that "the raiders in the north" had claimed almost a hundred rangers, a full tenth of the Ranger compliment in the Mojave Wasteland. Finally NCR Command had had enough, and stopped ranger deployments to Guardian, which would set the stage for what would come five years later.    Initially, Alturus wanted to hit Guardian prior to the advance on Hoover Dam, to support the advance from the North. Ultimately Legate Joshua Graham would deny his request, wanting every available Legionary to crush the NCR at the Dam, as such, the Centurion and his men were called back to the Fort. During the First Battle for Hoover Dam, He and his veterans were among those told to break ranks and pursue the NCR Rangers at Boulder City. Alturus followed orders, loosely. While other centurions charged straight for the city, Alturus took his men around to the north of the city, intending to cut off ranger reinfocements, and encircle the city, and so he watched in horror, as the NCR detonated the city, killing all his comrades within. With the very reinforcements he sought to stop advanced on his position, now without any friendlies behind him, Alturus was forced to fall back, but not before carving his way through several NCR positions on his way back to and across the Dam.    Fearing he would be punished for the failure, Alturus suprisingly found himself spared, as Caesar focused his wrath upon the Legate, who he had covered in pitch, and tossed into the Grand Canyon. For over a year, Alturus was one of the few remaining Veterans in the Mojave, causing Caesar's gaze to fall upon him, as more and more responsibility was placed upon him, he rose to the challenge each time. When Legate Lanius took charge of the military in 2279, his reforms were welcomed with much approval from Alturus, who saw his chance to finally cut off the NCR in the North. He once again requested permission to strike Camp Guardian, which still had no rangers, and it was granted in 2280, and more. Lanius granted him command of a force of over 8000, with explicit instructions to have the offensive serve as experience for the new recruits, with his veterans leading the way. This would not be all though, as Alturus was one tip of a pincer strike, and Centurion Aurelius striking south into Cottonwood Cove. The Fort itself, for the first time in almost three years, was alive with fires. What was a time of licking wounds, had finally come to be the days of retribution.    On the 13th of April, before the sun rose, Both forces launched out across the Colorado. With a force of 8,000, Alturus obliterated Camp Guardian by the time the sun rose, and he learned by noon that Cottonwood had been taken as well. Requesting further orders, He was suprised to get back "Attack at will". While this was a suprise to him, this would be how Lanius would run the Legion, giving great freedom to his frontline commanders, along with great consequences if they failed. For the rest of the year, and into '81, he nad his northern detachment would grind the NCR Northern flank to mince-meat, claiming the lives of over 1200 soldiers by the summer just before the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. During that battle in December of '81, he and his men watched from their offensive on Bitter Springs, as the Fort erupted flames, and the Legion fell apart. Acting quickly, Alturus and his men retreated to Camp Guardian, but by the end of January of 2282 their position was compromised, and he and his remaining 3,000 men fled back east from the Securitron Army, moving along the Colorado River, crossing back into Legion Territory at Caesaria  During the Civil War, what was left of the Frumentarii recruited him, and he became a saboteur along the Legion's border with the newly founded Free Economic Zone of the Mojave. But when a ceasefire began in 2285, he was ordered to begin diplomatic overtures with the new nation, as he was one of the few remaining Frumentarii with knowledge of the Mojave. By 2289, his postion had become so useful, that he was officially made the Legion's Ambassador to the FEZ. For 11 years, he has served as a genuine voice of moderation, as he knows that New Vegas will never side with the Bull, so his very easy job, is simply keeping the spade from aligning with the Bear.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2249 AD 51 Years old
Short, Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, Burn scar on left side of mouth
6' 2"
160 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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