Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge

Created by Adam Tingley // Wreckerdwarf
Summer Camp was pretty awesome! It was my first time getting involved with anything to do with creative writing. I've spent a sizable portion reading quest text in games and diving into lore of other worlds and It's been fantastic to gather together the inspiration those have given me over the years and create something new. Turning pages of bullet points and ideas into something more structured and fleshed out than before. Bulletpoints no more!

I even managed to write 42 articles and get to diamond :0
Summer Camp 2024 Certificate by World Anvil

Thank you to everyone that's interacted with my articles and posts so far. It's been great to see so many enjoying the stuff I'm making and equally as importantly, for me to see how I can improve!

My Article Highlights

Here are some of my own articles that I felt came out at a standard that didn't make me want to implode upon re-reading were:  
The Nomadic Ways
Building / Landmark | Aug 2, 2024
& it's companion article "The Orcen Night". I liked how these two articles spanned across time and linked into each other quite neatly to create a cohesive short story.
Settlement | Aug 1, 2024
& it's compantion article "The Roar of Bakan’Grod". These two articles again link into each other. This one challenged a part of the view I had for the world and made me redevelop a section of the world that ended up being quite positive!

Character | Aug 1, 2024
This one is written in a different style purposefully. The viewpoint for this story is more "goblinesque" resulting in some interesting (but questionable) language and views.
Settlement | Jul 26, 2024
For this one, I leaned into the more borderline content. Describing a NSFW theme and combining it with horror aspects to create a jarring read. Fun to write!

Geographic Location | Aug 1, 2024
Prose seem to be what I gravitate towards and this article is no exception! Another short story and one of the few articles that I've made that's set in the present day of my world!
Myth | Aug 1, 2024
Creating a myth to an underground race proved to be quite fun. I found a lot of enjoyment when I commissioned some artwork in describing about five horrendous ways that the myth could have been percieved by the dwarves.

My Goals

I plan to just improve. I'd like to take part in challenges like this one and alternate with game jams. A way of meshing the logical side of myself with the creative.

I'd also like to just continue to create articles to expand the world that I've begun to create in order to use it for games, short stories, ttrpg campaigns, artwork and all sorts.

I'd also like to engage with the other features that the site has to offer. I already have plans to make a full 3D map on Unity to explore the world with!

My Summer Camp Reads

  I've been reading through article after article. My process has been to select the prompts which interested me the most and then select a batch of around 20 articles or so that caught my eye. These are the ones that sang to me!

Prompt: A character who goes through a great change or metamorphosis

Author: JudasBrennan

My Thoughts: I love how this article portrays a forced metamorphosis. Adaptation and danger are at the heart of this kind of change and to see how JudasBrennan has managed portray that change is wonderful.

The Spore Weaver
Character | Jul 12, 2024
Prompt: A species with protective anatomy

Author: Dazzlinkat

My Thoughts: I'm highly convinced that there needs to be a "War of the Roses" style of grandiose warfare and political discontent soley fought between different species of crab.

War Crab
Species | Jul 27, 2024

Prompt: A myth, urban legend or conspiracy theory believed by many to be true

Author: Pen Surname

My Thoughts: Absolutely lovely take on the prompt. A tongue in cheek mirror of real world consipricies.

The Round Earth Theory
Myth | Jul 15, 2024
Prompt: A settlement that's known as a party town or pleasure city

Author: StillnessandSilence

My Thoughts: A lovely coastal town with an equally lovely tavern!

The Point of Veil
Settlement | Jul 30, 2024

Salt Breezes and Cocktails

Prompt: A unit dedicated to guarding someone or something

Author: Serukis

My Thoughts: "You had me at "nefarious cheese thieves". This article when combined with the article titles The Brillish Cheese Cave create a full sense of the difficulties surrounding cheese and it's defense. Lovely!

The Cheeseguard
Military Formation | Jul 11, 2024

A largely ceremonial group that guard the cheese caves of Keld from would-be thieves.

Prompt: An animal or plant that feeds on decay

Author: D3vilmade

My Thoughts: Creating an animal from scratch for an environment that is unknown results in a lot of compatibility issues that need to be resolved. This article is a great example of that problem solving and was a very interesting read.

Species | Jul 21, 2024

Prompt: A profession that is considered dirty

Author: DM Eilers

My Thoughts: I love the idea that this article puts forward of the combination of different beasts. Chimera animals in fantasy are some of my favourites (Gryphons, Wyverns, Arachnid/Humanoids etc) and it makes me wonder what kind of unique abominable creations could be sewn together!

Flesh Sculptor
Profession | Jul 29, 2024
Prompt: A personal item that keeps you safe

Author: Kaching101

My Thoughts: A very interesting idea and it's set within a Dwarven theme? What's not to love?

Dwarven Reinforced Cloak
Item | Jul 13, 2024

Prompt: A tradition that gives comfort

Author: M.R.R. Shelswell

My Thoughts: A lovely festival described concisely and beautifully.

Lanterns of Remembrance
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 18, 2024
Prompt: A building that was meant to be temporary

Author: Jaime Buckley

My Thoughts: A place that sprung up into my imagination with ease while reading and now might have a more permanent than temporary spot there too.

Patchwork Palace: will tell lies for food
Building / Landmark | Jul 28, 2024

Hey, I told you the place doesn't exist, but if you're willing to feed me for a laugh, I'm in!


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Aug 12, 2024 23:09 by Desdemona Rose

Half of the challenge as a writer is writing something that doesn't make you cringe later. Congrats on hitting diamond, impressive.

Aug 12, 2024 23:41 by Adam Tingley

Thank you very much! I'm at a stage where I'm very early on in creating the world I want to create. So everywhere I look, I see blank canvases. It made it a lot easier to apply every prompt appropriately. I'm looking forward to fleshing each article out from September onwards :)

Aug 15, 2024 04:43

Congrats on your success! It's great that you are happy with your articles :D   Thanks for featuring my article! I'm glad you liked it.

Aug 15, 2024 16:24 by Adam Tingley

I'd say I'm more content with my articles haha   There's a lot more to do and I would love to expand upon each of them. Perfection isn't the goal though, I'm trying not to fall into that never ending rabbit hole.   Your article was great - Credit where it's due!

Aug 15, 2024 16:13

Congratulations on Diamond! It's always a nice feeling when you don't cringe when rereading your articles xD

Hope you have a fantastic day!
Aug 15, 2024 16:24 by Adam Tingley

Hahaha yeah, it's the only real goal to aim for!

Aug 15, 2024 23:22 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Congratulations on diamond! You did so great for your first Summer Camp! :)   Thank you for featuring my Cheeseguard! :D

Aug 16, 2024 00:30 by Adam Tingley

Thanks :D   And also - CHEESE

Aug 29, 2024 15:16 by K.S. Bishoff

Thanx for including my article

Come vist my worlds
Aug 29, 2024 22:27 by Adam Tingley

Thanks very much for creating it!