The Arcanum's History of Huld

  • 4000 PA

    3980 PA

    The War of the Breaking
    Era beginning/end

    The battle between the gods resulting in the violent separation of the One Magic into the Arcane, Divine and Primal power sources.

  • 1 AF

    1 /1

    The Arcanum is founded

    The formation of the Arcanum in McBrusk and the creation of the twelve points of reference mark the beginning of the Arcanum Standard Calendar.

  • 3519 AF

    The Heroes of the Valley are founded

    The Heroes of the Valley were founded after they rescued a group of Lizardfolk refugees from the valleys of Jangala.

  • 3521 AF

    64 /2

    Death of Sultan Tefferan
    Disaster / Destruction

    The destruction of the Sultans palace in Emser and the death of Sultan Sal Tefferan.

  • 3521 AF

    50 /3
    3523 AF

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    The war of the Lark
    Military: War

    After the Sultan's death the Ferdir Ah' Dain took advantage of the chaos in the city of Emser  and invaded. The Lark Society was overwhelmed and fell quickly to the elven invaders. Eventually with the death of their military leader at the hands of the The Heroes of the Valley the Fa Empire attacked the city and the surrounding settlements. The Fa attacked the Emserian's that remained in the city and the Ferdir Army in a three sided war for controll of the Kingdom of Emser.

  • 3522 AF

    Protva's planishing hammer is destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Protva's Planishing Hammer is destroyed as part of the mending.

  • 3522 AF


    The Mending
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Breaking of the realms has been resolved by the re-combination of the celestial planar avatars.

  • 3523 AF

    The fall of Emser
    Military: War

    The city of Emser finally fell and let to the disolution of the Kingdom of Emser upon their conquering by the Fa Empire.