Shalyn's 2024 Summer Reading Challenge

My Experience With Summer Camp:
This was the first Summer Camp Challenge I've ever been involved in. It was extremely enjoyable and I now have a whole bevy of new ideas floating inside my brain for examination. It was fun, exciting and entertaining. 
    My sounding boards, who are not at all biased, by the way, were my three younger brothers, my sister and a couple of cousins. I was going to stop at thirty-two articles, but my sense of something unfinished convinced me to do all fourty-two. Thankfully, although I didn't start working on the competition until about two weeks in, I still managed to finish. My articles still need a lot of polishing which I will probably work on after the judging, but mostly I liked the fact that I fulfilled the prompt and gave myself new ideas more than anything.
  I chose to read just one of the prompts, A character who goes through a great change or metamorphosis as that was the one I personally ended up enjoying the most as far as writing goes.

Ella Thorne
Character | Jul 3, 2024
Sera Whiteclaw
Character | Jun 30, 2024

A witch of many talents, Sera Whiteclaw excels in magic that brings the deadly to a realm of aid. She is currently the leader of the Flowered Hill Coven.

Rane Summers
Character | Aug 2, 2024
Theolin Windsplitter
Character | Aug 24, 2024

Human Fighter

Bethany Starlight
Character | Jun 25, 2024
Willard "Will" McCray
Character | Jul 7, 2024
Rosemary "Syl" Seward
Character | Aug 2, 2024
Olivia Renkart
Character | Jul 27, 2024

A rich merchant who later became the founder of a charity

Alianor Farrier
Character | Jul 22, 2024
Caleb Webb
Character | Jul 4, 2024
Arthur Pendragon
Character | Jul 12, 2024
Vincent Blackstar
Character | Jul 5, 2024
    Goals For the Rest of the Summer:   I'm going to try and get a lot more done on the structure of a few of the countries in my world. As always, I'll probably read any book that looks interesting to me that I come across and try to write a few stories to keep my siblings and cousins satisfied with me.
Thank you for all the wonderful encouragement I've recieved throughout this challenge from everybody!


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Aug 18, 2024 01:12 by Jacqueline Yang

Family is the most brutal and best sounding boards! Can't wait to read through some of these articles!

Aug 18, 2024 02:16 by Shalyn


Aug 18, 2024 02:18 by Shalyn

Motivations Also, I really didn't mean to leave my Summer Reading Challenge. I was trying to leave this article. :) Oops!

Aug 18, 2024 02:40 by Jacqueline Yang

You're good! I enjoyed reading this one!