Separan Grove

A grove of druids outside of the newly settled Separa, their namesake. The Grove is dedicated to tending to the forest around the "Grand Sepa" (Sepa means Mountain in Druidic), the mountain within their grove. The large majority of the druids deal in fire magic, believing the Grand Sepa will one day erupt and cleanse the lands of Aberrations and purify their home. To show their worship they often do controlled burnings throughout the forest to show the Grand Sepa they are ready and willing to have their land obliterated. Some believe the Grand Sepa will erupt and cleanse the entire The Material Plane of all unnatural life, no matter the cause. However, the majority of the Grove of Cinder just believe their forest will be purified.


80% Tabaxi, 11% Elven, 6% Blood-Cursed, 2% Human, 1% Other


Fennik rules over the grove as an Oligarch, but he himself communes with the Grand Sepa


The Grove is magical, and traversing it is a task in it's own right

Industry & Trade

Minor trading down with Separa, but mostly is self sufficient.


The grove is built within large roots of trees.


One of the earliest druid groves. One of the Primes was said to have calmed the mountain simply with its own words and stop it for erupting and endings new home on the The Material Plane.
Founding Date
6th of Mourn, 12th Year
Inhabitant Demonym
Cinder Souls
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location