The Fall of the Elves

Once the Prime Race disappeared into the Astral Sea the Elves saw themselves as the rightful alpha of the The Material Plane. Corellon, the king of the elves, however advised the elves otherwise. Lolth, the daughter of Corellon and princess of the elves campaigned for war against all other races, believing the Elves were strong enough to take on the entire Material Plane and dominate them under their rule. Eventually the Elves fell prey to Lolth’s persuasions and lead a war against the Material Plane and it’s inhabitants. As a result, Corellon disowns the elves as his own children and banishes them from their magic homelands. Their magic fades from them, and their vibrant coloured skin that mirrored the Feywild fades to a dark charcoal blue. They lose the name elf and Lolth gives them a new name. The Drow . With the love of Corellon lost the power of the Elves fades as the War begins. The Elves, now powerless without the support of their magical king retreated underground. There they are met with the monsters driven here by them centuries ago from Astral Sea. The ones who retreated back to the surface, praying to Corellon for repentance, were granted a fragment of their power but allowed to survive on the surface of the Material Plane. The Elves then, as a show of faith to Corellon’s wishes integrated into the society of Humans and other races, no longer an empire by themselves. Those who Continued to follow Lolth to the deep recesses of the Underdark cast aside their magic ancestry and focused on martial prowess.
Date of Setting
13th of Noon, 74th Year - 18th of Twilight, 78th Year
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