Player Characters in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Player Characters

Campaign 1. The Ragtags

Primary Protagonists

Featured Heroes


Campaign 2. Guardians of the Dale

Primary Protagonists

  • Atalanta Tidewater
  • Bulwark
  • Morthos Destin
  • Nix

Featured Heroes

Campaign 3. Dragon of Icespire Peak

Primary Protagonists

  • Betty Fly
  • Dr. Niamh Graynore AKA "Doc" (Sessions 3 - 8)
  • Galreth (Sessions 10 - TBD)
  • Scraabox Barbalesh (Sessions 10 - TBD)
  • Syndrel Mothdew (Sessions 1 - 9)
  • Tobias Snow
  • Xi'ing Fang (Sessions 1 - 10) 

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