Summer Camp Pledge 2023

Summer Camp 2023

Never done summer camp before, so we'll see if I actually manage to get any prompts done.


At this point my worlds are starting to overlap, so if I find something will be more relevant elsewhere then i'll slap it in there instead.
Cava Nox


Which are the powerful organizations within your world setting? Who are the powerful individuals? What kinds of power do they wield and what are their weaknesses and needs?
My Meta is looking extremely sad so hopefully it'll look a little nicer before the month ends.  

Powerful Organizations

Organisations I have range from conglomerates that buy up research companies and don't get the memo that they shouldn't be making artifical humans until it's a bit too late, to intergalactic organizations who want to maintain intergalactic peace and security... and other intergalactic organizations who also want to do that but don't like how the other guys are doing it.  

Powerful Individuals

There is a large power scale with individuals, with gods on one side of the scale, including one that tripped on the universe and caused havoc by accident. Then on the other side there's just normal people who gain power through being charismatic, or have been modified to be physically powerful, or people who get so mad that they decide to fight against people who own a planet destroying death weapon.   There's some individuals I can think of some pages to make, whether they're a powerful person, or some guy who ends up doing powerful things.

THEME: Frontier

Where are the frontiers in your worldsetting? And why would anyone want to go there?! What about metaphorical frontiers, like the “frontier of medicine” or space, the “final frontier”?


I think the world that would relate to this best would be Cava Nox, as an extraterrestrial research institute ended up discovering it and ended up regretting it immensely.
  I can also develop Beldua during the time humanity ended up fleeing there and discovering they're not the only sapient species in the galaxy.


THEME: Relics

What aspects of the past are revered today in your world setting? Which peoples are remembered? And which are forgotten, and why?
I do have a chronicle that is looking a little unfortunate at the moment.   There is a specific point it time where there is destruction on an intergalactic level, resulting in the loss of many species, cultures and organisations and leaving the survivors to pick up the pieces to figure out what used to be.   There are specific organisations that were made as a result in an attempt to preserve whatever they are able to get their little grubby hands on.

THEME: Communication

How do people and organizations from different backgrounds or cultures communicate with each other? How does communication happen over short and long distances? Who in your setting communicates secretly or carefully, and how?
I've been slowly developing on various ways my alien species communicate and how it effects them. One example would be the Zuola who communicate with each other by chemical signals, with verbal speech being limited which unfortuately leads to them gaining a reputation of being simple-minded by various other species.
  On M'Zeri, Nanotypes developed a written language based off computer binary which they have an easier ability to read compared to Humans.
The Apriorians have a written language which they weave into cloth, which allows them to sneak hidden messages to each otehr in plain sight.
  The Trasari communicate through a combination of visual displays, chromatophores and intricate patterns of bioluminescent displays. They also have a written language which they carve into sculptures.

Copper Prompts

Silver Prompts

Gold Prompts

Diamond Prompts


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Jun 18, 2023 13:55 by TJ Trewin

Have an amazing and inspiring summer camp! Good luck :D you've got this

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I just finished some new art in my latest article: Pinecrest College of Aviation!