Penrook Accord

Signed after the victory at the Battle of Flame, this documented was a turning point moment for Menerem.


  • The independent city-state of Penrook is to be established over the Abyssal Portal.
  • Penrook is to be populated with an equal portion of citizens from each signee.
  • Penrook will maintain the Portal Guard to protect Menerem from incursions from the Abyssal Portal.
  • Penrook has the right to recruit replacements from the signees on a one-to-one basis from the home nation of the out-going guard.
  • Penrook will maintain embassies from each signee and act as the preferred neutral ground for all international affairs between the signees.
  • Established the creation of passports and legal travel, both personal and commercial, between the signee nations.
  • Established protocols for immigration between signee nations.
  • Establish the Menerem Court
  • Authority to impose penalties upon any infractions upon the Penrook Accord
  • Signee nations can petition to the Menerem Court to issue non-binding decisions on international disputes.
  • Establish the Menerem Defense Alliance to compel participation in defending against any external entities, organization or other sources that threaten Menerem.
  • The island of Bessem is ceded to the Graveless Halls to establish an independent residence for the undead.
  • Signees agree to not establish settlements, outposts or allow non-governmental operations originating from their nation within Bessem without express permission of the Graveless Halls.
  • Any intelligent undead currently residing in Menerem will be allowed safe passage to the Graveless Halls.
  • Any intelligent undead that arise after the signing of this accord will be afforded the opportunity to join the Graveless Halls and to be given free passage there barring the commission of a crime of the nation of origin.
  • The Shadow Council will relocate as many unthinking undead to Bessem as possible.
  • Citizens of the Graveless Halls will be afforded the same rights to travel and commerce in signee nations as citizens of any other signee nation.
  • Citizens from signee nations have the right to petition to be made undead.
  • Signees agree to not establish settlements, outposts or allow non-governmental operations originating from their nation within the Jikandi Desert without express permission of the Kin.
  • Signees

  • Benka
  • Hallis
  • Jurim
  • Kharra
  • Northland
  • Shadow Council - later known as the Graveless Halls
  • Penrook - signed after city leadership established in 1686
  • Braeg - signed in 1886 after independence from Jurim
  • Choris - signed in 1886 after independence from Jurim
  • Munice - signed in 1886 after independence from Jurim
  • Tefely - signed in 1886 after independence from Jurim
  • Other Parties

  • Kin
  • Involved in discussion but refused to sign due to aversion to writing
  • Not subject to terms of the Penrook Accord
  • Agreed not to raid territories outside of Kin control
  • Agreed to join any defense from external threats
  • Ullran
  • Refused to sign or agree to terms, partly due to acceptance of the Shadow Council whom they declared guilty of deicide and partly due to insistence that only the Erenic Pantheon has authority over Ullran.
  • Type
    Treaty, Diplomatic


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