Deity Overview

The Old Gods

Often referred to collectively as the Old Gods, there are eighteen major gods typically recognized throughout most cultures, other than the Oleander Throne. Throughout the lands many more minor gods have been worshiped by individual tribe, cults, or even some sects of large temples. Some regions have variations of the Old Gods, with slightly different stories and tales, but ultimately they are all based on the same deity.

Aine, The Elvendawn CG Nature, Arcane Spring, Arts, Fey
Belenos, The Shining One LG Light, War Summer, Sun, Light, Truth
Caena, The Mother of Plagues NE Death, Grave Disease, Illness, Poison
Ctenmillar, The Forge LN Forge, Light Craft, Creation, Dwarves
Emone, The Knower NG Arcane, Knowledge Knowledge, Scribes
Ildross, The Wild King N Nature, Trickery Animals, Wilderness
Lloth, The Spider Queen CE Trickery, Knowledge Deceit, Shadows, Spiders
Midone, The Merchantfriend N Knowledge, Trickery Merchants, Commerce, Roads
Morganos, The Raven Queen LN Grave, War Winter, War, Fate, Death
Nyctelios, The Mad God CE Death, Trickery Madness
Ran, The Deep Queen CN Tempest, Grave Oceans, Currents, Sea
The Red Knight, The Lady of Strategy LG Life, War War, Strategy
Sucellus, The Bountiful NG Life, Nature Harvest, Agriculture, Drink
Tempest, The Storm Lord CN Tempest, War Storms, Chaos, Rebellion
Thiulla, The Thrice Lady CG Trickery, Life, Knowledge Autumn, Moon, Illusion
Tiamat, The Dragon Queen LE Trickery, War Greed, Envy, Wealth
Velthroon, The Vaunted NE Death, Knowledge Undead, Necromancy
Yther, The Tyrant LE War, Forge Conquest, Strength, Power

Northlander Hero-Gods

Northlander tales include several of their heroes who, through trial and tribulation, ascended to godhood. Most Hero-Gods are not exclusively worshiped, but instead are given homage and devotion when certain tasks are undertaken. But they are still regarded as part of the Northlander pantheon.

Grim Valgardsson, The Wisened Jarl LN Knowledge Leaders, Decisions
Halldis, Matron of the Runes N Knowledge, Death Fate
Siv Arnidottir, Maiden of Ice N War Ships, Sea Travel
Tjorvi Cnutsson, Bester of Ran N Tempest Ships, Sea Travel

Oleander Throne Deity

The Oleander Throne has conquered much of the continent and greedily eyes the Moontide Isles. With their conquest comes their deity, the Allfather. Oleander territories are mandated to worship only the Allfather and worship of any other deity is punishable by death.

The Allfather LN Light, War Everything