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History of Naria

History of Naria, with a focus on the Fourth Era

Third Era

1000 0

Marked by the appearance of the last crop of gods, the dates here are rough at best, as the events occurred before The Scribing.

  • -500 3E

    -400 3E

    Formation of Derganol

    The gold dragon Dergana dies, and her closest advisors (which included some of her children) parceled her domain into the Federation of Derganol.

  • -100 3E

    -60 3E

    Formation of Uraka'val

    The primary Drow power structures underground coalesce into a semi-centralized power, known as the Uraka'val.

  • 0 3E


    Divine Audition
    Religious event

    Udel, Amazira , and Gimmel are tasked with coming up with relics to protect the gods from the Void. Gimmel's creation, the Runestone of Persistent Truth, is chosen, and he ascends to godhood.

Fourth Era

0 1000 CY

Marked by The Scribing, the Fourth Era contains the better-chronicled histories of recent years.

  • 0 CY


    Divine Audition
    Religious event

    Udel, Amazira , and Gimmel are tasked with coming up with relics to protect the gods from the Void. Gimmel's creation, the Runestone of Persistent Truth, is chosen, and he ascends to godhood.

  • 1 CY

    Formation of Gimmela

    The Highwater Territories are coalesced into Gimmela, coincident with The Scribing .

  • 1 CY


    The Scribing
    Scientific achievement

    Gimmel, as part of his ascension, unites the Highwater Territories into the new nation of Gimmela, and begins the task of dutifully recording history.

  • 162 CY

    Formation of Kasainan Kingdom

    The Kasainan Kingdom comes into being, with Lonato Kasai as the first king.

  • 409 CY

    Formation of Coitelan Alliance

    The Coibran and Tellaret noble families merge, and bring other regional powers into the fold under their control. A ceremonial monarchic line develops from a literal marriage between the two families, but political power remains in the hands of a small parliament, and the alliance forms the Coitelan Alliance.

  • 446 CY

    469 CY

    Derganol Colonizes the Freewater Islands
    Political event

    Derganol invades the Freewater Islands and imposes colonial rule, disbanding the remnants of the First Orcs.

  • 647 CY

    653 CY

    Uraka'val Incursions into Aeshlaron
    Military action

    The Uraka'val begins underground military raids and incursions into Aeshlaron, chipping away at traditionally Dwarf-controlled territory.

  • 653 CY

    Formation of Deephammer

    The five member states of the Deephammer alliance hold the first Trial of Stone to choose a High Executor, in response to territorial incursions by the Uraka'val.

  • 693 CY

    Formation of Freewater Nation

    The people of the Freewater Islands rebel against their Derganolan rulers, and form the Freewater Nation.

  • 750 CY

    780 CY

    Uraka'val Emerges as Major Maritime Power
    Military action

    The Uraka'val, with their expansion to the ports of Nerisa, begin to amass significant naval and merchant-maritime power.

  • 766 CY

    Formation of Adsalam

    The various mercantile city-states in and around the Sul-Harik Desert begin flying the flag of Adsalam. Nobody is quite sure where the centralized power for this country resides.

  • 809 CY

    3 /2
    814 CY

    1 /10

    Elven Unification
    Political event

    Alma begins Elven Unification by allying with three neighboring clans (one of them a Wood Elf clan), and starts her campaign to either eliminate or subsume rival clans in the Ghazain Steppe and Kearlet Wilds.

  • 814 CY

    1 /10

    Formation of Almina'val

    Alma finishes uniting the Elven clans in the face of increasing globalization, under the banner of her new country, Almina'val

  • 876 CY

    12 /9 12:00
    876 CY

    12 /9 14:00

    The Sky Breaks
    Geological / environmental event

    The area around what were the Golia Islands get sealed off, and then replaced with a haze of fog that later dissipates to reveal Breaksky Island

    Breaksky Island
    Additional timelines
  • 886 CY

    1 /8
    886 CY

    4 /8

    The Breaksky Nonaggression Agreement
    Political event

    Major powers (mostly) agreed to end open hostilities on both land and sea surrounding Breaksky Island, and imposed limits on privateer activity, with protection for ships primarily providing medical care and supplies

    Additional timelines
  • 899 CY

    24 /8 9:00

    Start of Campaign

    The events of the Broken Sky Campaign commence, with the Straps of your Boots session, where our heroes endeavor to find the lost dog, Roger.

    Additional timelines