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Disrupted & Desynchronized

Symmetry is affected by Interference which is usually related to energy attacks. Receiving Interference damage reduces the Symmetry meter and too much causes the negative status effects Disrupted and Desynchronized.  


Symmetry is the character's connection from their brain to their neural MIND Link implant. The connection must remain stable for them to function. The Symmetry meter is a visual representation of a player's susceptibility to mental damage caused by Interference.   Every hit or effect causing Interference decreases the Symmetry meter, and after enough Interference, Disruption occurs. The effects of being Disrupted can be devistating.   The Symmetry meter has two thresholds - Disrupted and Desynchronized. When the meter surpasses the Disrupted threshold, the character gains the Disrupted status effect until the meter is reduced below the threshold. The base threshold for Disruption begins at 30% remaining Symmetry. Becoming Disrupted causes a variety of negative effects:     Players can reduce their risk of becoming Disrupted and its effects by using specific Armor, Mods, items, Skills, and investing points into the Fortitude Attribute. Fortitude reduces the effects of Interference damage on the Symmetry meter and its reduction speed.   The Symmetry meter naturally and slowly refills over time, and the speed of regeneration can be increased with Attributes, skills, abilities, items, and more. Symmetry regeneration does not start until the character has been out of Combat and not received damage for at least 10 seconds. The speed at which Symmetry is lost can be reduced by using abilities or items that affect Interference resistance.   It is important to note that despite how much Interference resistance a player has or their recovery speed for its effects; the maximum effective resistance value is 90%. Additionally, some enemies may have attacks that cause much higher Interference as well as being difficult to Disrupt themselves.  


Once the Symmetry meter reaches 10% capacity, the character becomes Desynchronized. This is an emergency situation. Any additional Interference damage received does not affect the Symmetry meter. During this period, they experience all of the same symptoms as being Disrupted in addition to the following greatly enhanced negative effects:  
  • Forced Desynchronized animation for 3 seconds.
  • Overshield maximum is reduced by an additional 50%.
  • Interference damage occurs automatically at a rate of 2 per second.
  • Battery Depletion rate is increased by an additional 25%.
  • Vision becomes blurred and inconsistent.
  • All abilities are disabled.
  Players do not automatically recover from being Desynchronized. Even though additional Interference damage does not affect the Symmetry meter, player’s are at extreme risk if not immediately treated. If the Symmetry meter becomes fully depleted, they will experience MIND Link Failure and die, bypassing Critical Failure entirely. Players cannot be revived from a MIND Link failure. Once a player has become Desynchronized, they must either use an item to regain Symmetry above 10% or Extract immediately.