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Mordheim is an ancient Imperial Province of The Empire of Man, founded sometime after the rule of Emperor Klaus the Savior and before the Black Death. The people of Mordheim hail from the tribes of the Mordvins, Tanians, and Menians. Although not initially an Imperial Province, these tribes were part of the empire when it was founded by Sieghardt- God Emperor. Before Sieghardt's conquest of the Parsians, these tribes had been conquered by the Parsians and incorporated into their kingdom. When Sieghardt conquered the Parsians, these tribes became part of Pars.

  After several centuries, the people of Mordheim won the right to their own province, eventually becoming an Imperial Province. Mordheim was relatively rich and served as the western frontier for the midlands. Among all the Imperial Provinces of the empire, Mordheim had the shortest tenure as an Imperial Province. Much of Mordheim's history is lost, but the people, much like today, were seen as crude and brutish.


During the Era of Turmoil, Mordheim along with Sigenstein, had united with Pars to form the Parsian Empire. The Parsians waged war on their neighbor empires and foreign nations, their conquests were so great that they now bordered the Morrigan Empire. However, the people of Mordheim and the conquerored peoples were treated as second-class citizens to the Parsians. And many important laws and decisions were made without their knowledge or say so. Soon, along with the conquerored peoples, Mordheim led a rebellion against the weakening Parsian Empire, this would be known as the Avalonian War and lasted seventeen years of total brutality on both sides. The warmaster Parsians would never accept defeat and the desperate rebels fought until the last man for each battle. Soon Sigenstein was increasing looking like it was going to join the side of the rebels and the Parsians were forced to back down. Mordheim and the other peoples were granted independence. Mordheim formed the Mordhau Confederation and would never join the Empire ever again.
Dissolution Date
4283 AC
Geopolitical, Duchy
Predecessor Organization
Successor Organization
Parent Organization


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