Timaeian Calendar
The global everchanging calendar of the world, created by Timaeus- Master of Wisdom.
There are 12 months in a year, 30 days in a month and 7 days in a week. Each month corresponds to a god and depending on that god, the world is afflicted by them. After 80 years and on the 6th month of the year, an event known as the Celestial Convergence will partake, allowing for the people of Oros to change a single month of the year to a different god.
The Days of the week;
There are 12 months in a year, 30 days in a month and 7 days in a week. Each month corresponds to a god and depending on that god, the world is afflicted by them. After 80 years and on the 6th month of the year, an event known as the Celestial Convergence will partake, allowing for the people of Oros to change a single month of the year to a different god.
The Days of the week;
- Solaris, sun day and the first day of the week
- Lunaris, moon day and the second day of the week
- Stellaris, star day and the third day of the week
- Terraris, Oros day and the fourth day of the week
- Celestia, god day and the fifth day of the week
- Ignis, fire day and the sixth day of the week
- Aquaria, water day and the seventh day of the week
The current God, their month name, theme, season and effect;
Solomon - God of Life-Solomonara-Longevity-Spring:+1 hp for each day that has passed in the month(including current day), If you fail a death saving throw, instead make it a success(once during the month).
Minerva- Virgin Goddess-Minervara-Purity-Spring: Reroll a INT check(once per day) Corruption and Corrosion occurs more slowly.
Babel- God of War-Babelis-War-Spring: Reroll a STR check(once per day), When a battle starts, a creature involved in the battle will be granted the Mark of Babel until the end of battle.(Mark of Babel does the following; Size increase, weapons and unarmed attacks deal 1d6 additional damage, ADV on all STR checks, -3 incoming damage, a red mark will float above your end causing creatures to have ADV on attacks against you and to be more likely to attack you and making you unable to turn invisible).
Baal- God/Goddess of Lightning, Raiza- God of the Wind, Hamon- God of Thunder and N'tss - Goddess of Oceans-Ortara-Weather-Spring: Reroll a DEX check(Once per day), Natural Disasters occur more often.
Theia- Goddess of Fertility-Theiasa-Fertility-Spring: Reroll a CHA check(Once per day), everything is more fertile(creatures, wildlife, nature).
Homa- Goddess of Fire-Homara-Intense Heat-Summer: All fire damage is increased by one additional hit die, days are much hotter.
Holactie - The Creator of Light-Holactea-Greatness of the Light-Summer: +1 to all rolls, during the Eternal day(every Celestia of the month) it is a +2 to all rolls instead of +1.
Hestia - The Bringer of Light-Hestiarn-The Power of the Sun-Summer: Reroll any check(once per day),days are longer.
Almarduke- God of Wisdom-Almardukia-Wisdom-Autumn: Reroll a WIS check(Once per Day), gaining knowledge is easier and people are more studious.
Graccus- God of Wine-Graccusa-Harvest and Festival-Autumn: Reroll a CON check, food and bevarages are more effective and taste better.
Cálecelos - God of Change-Cálecelosa-Betrayal,Change,Magic-Random: +1 to hit with spells, when casting a spell roll a d100 on the Chaotic Magic Table. People are more rowdy(failing a CHA check can be more severe and people are more inclined to fight)
Grapha- God of Death & Darkness-Graphada-Death-Winter: -1 to all rolls, during the Night of Total Darkness(every Lunaris of the month) it is a -2 to all rolls instead of -1.