Ingestron Underhand Character in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Ingestron Underhand


Subvizier Ingestron Underhand

Subvizier Ingestron Underhand, the heir of House Underhand, is the eldest son of Vizier Haruspex and the late Viziera Crepuscule Underhand. Like his whole family, Ingestron is a quiet but intimidating presence in the Noble Court and is particularly adept at fulfilling his family's Assassination Area of Concern.

Physical Description

Special abilities

As a Doppelgänger, Ingestron can change his appearance to perfectly assume the appearance of specific individuals. He can mimic the shape of any small- or medium-sized creature and gains some of their senses including scent and darkvision. Additionally, he can cast Detect Thoughts at will.   Ingestron also has training as an Assassin and some kind of Rogue, meaning he is unlikely to be able to be flanked or caught flat-footed. If he can flank or catch an opponent flat-footed, he can possibly instantly kill them with his Assassin 'Death Attack' as long as they either have not noticed him or do not regard him as an enemy, and his 'Sneak Attack' damage can deal a fair amount of damage even to those who notice his ill intentions in time.

Apparel & Accessories

Magical attire at Noble Court:
Mask: Faint Necromancy and Divination auras.
Kukri: Faint Transmutation aura.
Signet Ring: Faint Abjuration, Enchantment and Universal auras.
Robe: Faint Transmutation aura.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Goldday, Tinkermoon, 1313
The entire House of Underhand attended the Whisper Vote of Vizier Absalom and Viziera Damasque Laureat, and Vizier Kronk Greenskin, all in their creepy birdfaced masks.  
Copperday, Tinkermoon, 1313
Ingestron attended the Dargent-Laureat inoguration party at the Dargent-Laureat estate with his parents and younger sister, Katiba Nycteme Underhand. During the Patchwork Empire's decoy attack on the party, Ingestron Underhand hid in the shadows studying one of the Bushyasta before jumping out and delivering an Assassin 'Death Attack' on it.   Later, after the untransformed head of then-missing, presumed dead Katib Thornhill Underhand was unveiled, Ingestron and his father, Vizier Haruspex, rushed to conceal the evidence of their inhumanity from the onlookers. Only Katiba Scarlett Dargent got a proper look at the face, which had no features except two milky-white eyes, although Katib Hugo Dargent's used the All-Seeing Eye to glean some information about what she had seen. The eye also revealed that either Ingestron or Haruspex contemplated killing Scarlett right there, but decided against it due to the presence of too many witnesses.  
Scrapday, Soldiermoon, 1313
During Court, Viziers Cobbler Bakerstreet and Balthazar Ironside noticed Vizier Richard Dargent talking to Ingestron.
Cobbler: Remarkable, the friends that our good Vizier Dargent has made recently, isn’t it. Even the Underhands seem to have warmed to him of late.
Balthazar: Prah! Wouldn’t have though them the kind to be swayed by wealth, what?
Felinet: They’re not. Trust me on that. I’ve known one of them better than most.
Britomart: There are other things he could have to offer, I suppose.
Balthazar: [Bark of laughter at an in-joke. Britomart wasn’t going for the in-joke but recognises it after the fact (and seems slightly conflicted about the joke itself)].
Cobbler: [Hand not holding cigar in pocket, offhandedly] Well, if for any reason you feel you’d like to talk to any investigator that isn’t under the thumb of any Dargents – you know where to find me.
Copperday, Soldiermoon, 1313
Ingestron was part of the Dargent scheme to take down Cobbler Bakerstreet and Katharine Ironside at the Whisper Vote. His attempts to win over the House of Brasseyes were thwarted by Hugo Dargent's secret obfuscation of his story. Although Ingestron did not know that Hugo was the reason he was not making headway in his diplomacy attempts, he did notice that Hugo was present and didn't seem to be helping much.


Religious Views

Although Doppelgängers are Things That Go Bump In The Night, and are therefore traditionally creatures of the Thing In the Downstairs Room, House Underhand are a family of Doppgängers who were stolen from the Thing by the Thief.   It is as yet unclear whether Ingestron or, for that matter, any of his family are willingly Thievians, although Ingestron has been known to use Thievian rhetoric in verbal duels where it suits him.
“In the Thievian church it is often opined that what is important is not so much what is likely but what is deadly.”
Current Status
Subvizier of House Underhand
Currently Held Titles
25 years old
Date of Birth
Woundsday, Thiefmoon, 1287
Nightshade scent.

Has encountered Hugo Dargent in Human form.
Human Families
Mason: ???
Dargent-Laureat: ???
Ironside: ???
Stargazer: ???
Dargent: ???
Carterhold: ???
Bakerstreet: ???
Underhand: ???
Non-Human Families
Baharat: ???
Brasseyes: ???
Darktusk: ???
Greenskin: ???
Jackalslicer: ???
Nightkeeper: ???
Ratrider: ???
Shajara: ???   Lord Captain Emissary: ???
??? must not get -85 across board, or -90 with any family in particular.