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Narrow Spring

A tramline thunders past, dozens packed together as they head deeper into the city towards opportunities. A patrol of Luminaries chase after a small time Villain, shadowed by a watchful Sentinel. Students leaving Turnwheel Academy argue whether to spend their allowance at Central Stadium or Halen Plaza.
Narrow Spring stands as the heart of Periton, encompassing the original city boundaries before its heavy expansion during the third millennium. As Periton's borders expanded, so did its skyline. The district is characterized by towering structures interconnected by walkways, tramlines for rapid city traversal, and even airships for those who can afford such luxuries.   Within Narrow Spring, many of Periton's most important buildings can be found here, such as the iconic Clocktower and the new addition of Viewpoint. Despite the lingering scars left by the attack of 5028, Periton has diligently restored its crown jewel by erasing the visible remnants of the tragic event.


Narrow Spring is Periton's Crown Jewel, a center point in the cities government and culture. From the ever important City Hall, seat of power for both the CC and Ilinorin Lunarstar to Central Stadium, the districts primary source of entertainment.   Narrow Spring holds a plethora of academic houses, however Turnwheel Academy and Summerfield Charter have had centuries to build up and maintain a notoriety for preparing the best Periton has to offer. Organizations often seek to poach their students, such as Refined Research and Advanced Solutions for the bright minded, or Lucent Industries and Periduction for the imaginative and resourceful.   Those merely seeking activities to do can visit the Vade Mecum for books to read or Halen Central Plaza to spend money. Golden Road and Ireas Hot Spring are popular spots for those visiting the districts, while the Church of the Wheel offers religious support for those in search of it.   In the utilities aspect, Hartehan Treasury allows individuals to store and withdraw hard currency from around the district. Halen Hospital Center treats those in need of medical aid, while Tyme Station and Air Central offer transportation to throughout the city.  

Social Situation


Due to Narrow Springs central position it contains the largest number of stationed Regulars, making it the most well patrolled district within the city. While its number of Hero's is one of the smallest due its general lack of crime, it still has a few notable names such as Armsmaster , Piston or Patsy . In addition to its Heroes, Narrow Spring holds the largest number of Luminaries, with many staying until they graduate into full-fledged Heroes, or move onto other organizations such as the Guild.  


Unlike many of the cities other districts, Narrow Spring lacks one true unifying gang presence. Instead a multitude of small thug-less villainous groups have taken their place. Many of these groups attempt to avoid the ire of the Sentinels by sticking to crimes that don't put innocent lives in danger.  


Narrow Spring is host to a few vigilante groups, such as Rapport and Turnover, in addition to civilian masks such as Cure-All and Weaver. Solo vigilantes have a higher join rate to the Sentinels compared to any other district.

Articles under Narrow Spring


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