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Garelen Alazars

Garelen Alazars

The mysterious undead archmage and ally of Vorr, Galaren Alazars is an arcane master and drow exile claiming to be from the 13 cities beneath the great steppes. A reborn drow, Garelen was a male that dared to learn magic in the theocratic misandrist drow states and was slain for it - the arcane energy caused an accident causing him to return part-undead.   Cyptic and illusive, the mage speaks in half-truths and lies at all times. They have shown a curiosity in the party, and have warned Einar about Val's connection to Lich King Gryllfagor. He is currently helping Vorr and Xan in Crowsport with their submerisble machine.   Garelen's long-term goals appear to be citizenship to the drow Republic of Gazzarit, and is using former President-Vorr to enhance his knowledge. Whether this is the truth, or whether the arch-mage is a viable ally at all, remains to be seen.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Garelen claims to be from the 13 cities, underdark drow enclaves deep beneath the heart of Prima Terra in what is now the Great Steppes. As a youth, he learnt magic and was punished severely for it, with death. Since then, he has been reborn and wondered the world and underdark. His tongue is often outdated, refering to the steppes as the Heartlands, an archaic term dating to before the Calamity, putting his date of birth in at least the second age before Rexia fell. Beyond this, his origins are murky and he has revealed little that can be proven or beleived.   At some point in 1052 he entered Palaidcyntaff and took up residence in the Tentside district where he met and befriended the inventor and exiled leader of Gazzarit, Vorr. He has been serving as his 'arcane advisor' and magical bodygaurd since - the inventor relying on him and seemingly trusting him despite his shady nature.  

The Deep Arc

Garelen's presence was first detected by Azura when the wizard chose to scry on their ex-crewmate Bessie. Garelen noticed the scrying orb and tried to reverse it, but Azura was adept enough to resist it, impressing the drow mage.   He would be met in person when the party arrived at Vorr's New Dream Theatre. They initially triggered his alarm spell, and both he and Bessie went to investigate. They spoke with the party, and learnt they were here to help Vorr and agreed to let them meet. When the Lolth Loyalists attacked the party, Garelen provided some support, and his presence clearly evoked terror and concern on the faces of the senior drow who seemingly recognised him.   During the battle he cast Time Stop to investigate Val's dagger. This was noticed by Einar and later Val, and the two would confront him on. He admitted he was simply curious, and later warned Einar about the connection to Gryfallgor and that he can help if required. He joined Vorr, Bessie, and the party on The Endeavour as they flew back to Aedrinar, at Vorr's request.   When the party investigated The Wraith infestation of their ship, the cybernetic lifeforms scanned the vessel and identifed Garelen as an unknown threat. They tried to first depressurise the room he was in, but were stopped by Azura and Xan. When the Wraiths boarded the ship, they sent numerous units to kill him. He was ushered to escape by the party, and sent into the Bardic Tower pocket dimension where he was then able to teleport himself, Xan, Vorr, Vanar Salinir and Kilir Dragontooth to safety.   Garelen would aide the creation of the submarine, Vangaurd, alongside Xan, Vorr, and Captain James Tovos. His presence continued to unsettle the party, but they opted to bring him with them on board the vehicle. He participated briefly in the battle against the forces of the scion, flexing his power-word kill and high level spells. He was also resistant to the charming powers of the scion of the seas.


Garelen claims to be self-taught in magic, but his mastery and high-level spells indicate he must at least be some form of adventurer or practiced magic user, capable of casting up to ninth-level spells. His arcane knowledge and abilities seem endless, with a deep knowledge of all things magic from the mundane to the paranormal, including a deep knowledge of all things undead. The wizard claims his quest for undead knowledged stemmed from his desire to learn more about his present condition, but this may have simply been another lie.
Current Location
Several Thousand Years
Date of Birth
The Early Second Age
Current Residence
Xan's Workshop
Blue-ish Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Purple
Appearances: 8
  • Session 137: Fate of Vanar (Via Scrying)
  • Session 139: The Search for Vorr
  • Session 140: Assimilate
  • Session 143: Aftermath
  • Session 146: Questions of the Mist
  • Session 150: Whispers of the Sea Snake
  • Session 151: The Abyss
  • Sesson 152: Aboleth


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