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Former first-mate aboard the Skallen Syndicate vessel led by Captain Vand, Bessie is a Commonwealth citizen, pirate, sex-fiend and rough-around-the-edges swashbuckler. Hard to kill and short with people, especially Azura, Bessie survived the sinking of The Corrupted Fortune but ARCAM and is now back in Aedrinar, living in Crowsport.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bessie has long had a secretivie life and shares little about her origins. At some point in the 1040s, she joined on The Corrupted Fortune as a crewmate for Captain Vand. By the time Azura joined, she was first mate of the pirate vessel. She had a tense relationship with Azura, never fully trusting her or supporting Vand's like of the young renegade wizard and was particularly cruel about her relationship with Vand's son, Olivir. After Azura left the crew of the ship due to prophetic visions of them dying because of her, Bessie was even angrier with the wizard for deserting them.  

The Dragon Clan Arc

Bessie first came back into Azura's life when Captain Vand arrived in Oskunstrond looking for Azura. When the orc captain convinced the wizard and the party to run away with him again during The Dragon Clan invasion of the town, Bessie ambushed the party and took them into prison aboard the ship.   Bessie had helped orchestrate this betrayal after ARCAM captured The Corrupted Fortune looking for Azura, and using most of the ship's crew and Oli as leverage, convinced Vand to bring Azura into their custody. Unlike Vand, Bessie had no sympathy for Azura and was happy for the wizard to be traded to save the rest of the crew. When Vand tried to orchestrate a prison break, Bessie relcutantly joined in and tried to fight back, but they were defeated. In the aftermath, Mertion Hampton ordered the sinking of the pirate ship with all hands on board.   The first mate was suspected dead like the rest of the crew, but in the aftermath of events it became evident she may have survived. Oli doesn't remember seeing her body in the sea, and there was no recollection of her drowning or being killed by cannon fire.  

The Deep Arc

The swashbuckler's survival would be confirmed when Azura tried to scry on her months after the boat's sinking. She learnt Bessie was somewhere dark with a drow, later revealed to be Garelen Alazars, who detected the scrying and ended it. Azura later found Bessie protecting discgraced Gazzaritian inventor Vorr in Palaidcyntaff and they brought her back to Aedrinar with them.   The first mate did breifly sleep with Val, purely to annoy Azura. After The Endeavour was boarded by The Wraiths the pirate swore to never get on another ship with the wizard, saying she was cursed. Bessie did escape the Wraiths, and elected to remain in Crowsport where she has taken up residence in the local inn.   After Doomed 2 Die returned from deafeating the Scion of the Seas in the shadowfell, Bessie informed them they'd been gone for over a week and that @Roachhad moved on.
Current Location
Short, brown, loose
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Appearances: 9
  • Session 21: Divided We Fall
  • Session 22: Prisoners
  • Session 23: The Commonwealth
  • Session 133: Moons and Daggers
  • Session 139: The Search for Vorr
  • Session 140: Save the Drow
  • Session 141: Assimilate
  • Session 143: Aftermath
  • Session 152: Aboleth


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