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Lt. Braer

Stalwart and honour-bound, Lt Braer was formally of the Royal Guards but temporarily joined the 22nd Scouts during the mission to kill The Snow Lord and end his war with Jameleska. Joining his comrades and Doomed 2 Die on their mission, Lt Braer could come off as pompous and privileged but deeply cared about his people and doing the right thing. Braer is the only companion to have never been selected for a mission.   In combat, Lt Braer was a defender position, using his heavy armour and shield training to defend his comrades. His martial skills with the blade are supposidly unmatched, but no member of doomed 2 die ever saw him in action.   Braer first met Doomed 2 Die when they arrived at the Rosethorpe docks with the Mad Cap'n. Braer filled them in on the general situation of the city, and told them if they wished to join the war they needed 2 writs of recommendation from powerful figures in the city. Braer was relied on again during the infiltration of the Skallen syndicate and later joined Doomed 2 Die on their mission to take down the snow lord, on the personal request of his "close friend" Flygir Eroskyn.   Braer would meet the adventurers again, having been sent by Duke Karl VI to Lastlight to be the duchy's personal correspondence with Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee in their fight against The Dragon Clan. Here, he told Azura that he him and Flygir have since moved into together.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Braer joined with the 22nd scouts and Balcorus † after the fall of Wall Vorrenborg. He would die fighting the Snow Lord in Rosethorpe, crushed by a boulder with the only things remaining being his shield, and a broken badge depicting his name and rank.   His body was found by alternate reality Gallus, who confirmed he died before Falia Rayes detonated the Crown of Thorns, killing whoever was left - including the snow lord.
Status: Alive   First Appearance: Session 38, Here There Be Giants
Current Location
Light Blue
Military cut, dark red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Appearances: 15
  • Session 38: Here There Be Giants
  • Session 44: Honour Among Thieves
  • Session 51: Ballroom Blitz
  • Session 52: Titansgrove
  • Session 54: Boom and the Jotun are Gone
  • Session 56: The Resistance
  • Session 57: Rescue at the Fort
  • Session 58: Snow Lord Cometh
  • Session 59: Liberation of Storonthorpe
  • Session 62: Revolutions
  • Session 63: Brawls and Crowns
  • Session 64: Battle of Jastingrag
  • Session 66: Tales from Jameleska pt.2
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Alternate Reality)
  • Session 84: Spooky Stories and Scary Mansions


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