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Shieldkyn Gallanthus Aramour (a.k.a. Gallus)

A powerful psionic warrior from northern Asrinhiem, Gallus is an exiled knight seeking new glory and ammends. Joining with Doomed 2 Die as they liberated Storonthorpe, Gallus has proven themselves to be honourable, deadly, but kind. Although sometimes slow to understand nuance, Gallus's enthuasatic and alturistic attitude has helped to bond the group together and prepare them for more adventures across the world.   In their subsequent travels with the group, the psionic warrior has proven to be the party's morale compass and guide, pushing them towards more honourable actions, never backing away from a fight, and forming close bonds with Val, Falia Rayes, and Ivar.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a prominent artisanal family in Icespire, Gallus spent their youth failing to learn ice magics but ran around with the son of the elder of Thevensyne, Urmas Aldarlyir, and the daugther of a wealthy Icespire family named Isa. The youths formed a strong bond in friendship that lasted through Gallus' time at the Monastery of the Astrailaighai from the years 982-1030.   Upon graduating, Gallus joined the armies of the Vaniri in the 40 Year War, serving throughout Tumbria including the infamous and bloody battle of Barr Darrach. Due to their psionic powers, Gallus was appointe as the Shieldkyn (second in command) to a Vaniri capatain serving the Aldarlyirs and witnessed one of their troops, Lusath Vanatar, die trying to rescue them from heavy spell and arrrowfire.   Following the war, Gallus became the personal protector of their childhood friend Urmas in court at Thevensyne. Buried feelings of passion towards Isa, now the bethrothed of Urmas, emerged and in a night of passion Gallus kissed them. Shamed by their betrayal, Gallus ran away to redeem their honour and became a mercanary in the 4 week war between the Duchy of Jameleska and The Snow Lord†. With their ship sank by the Snow Lord's navy, Gallus stumbled through the country and came across Doomed 2 Die.  

War of the Walls Arc

After being shipwrecked, Gallus journeyed in land to find some signs of civilization. They instead came across a fleeing Storonthorpe rebel, and tried to save them from the pursuing giants with help from Doomed 2 Die. After the battle was won, Gallus and the party got to know each other, and learning the party were working for Jameleska they joined them on their goals.   In Storonthorpe, Gallus was intrigued by Deputy Cass and began to flirt with them, only to be interupted by Val and starting a small flirt war between the three. In the failed ambush, Gallus tried to save Taggart, but he told them to pull back and protect the reeve. Gallus saw Taggart get slaughtered by the boulder jarl. Gallus would earn their revenge, downing three giants, including the Boulder Jarl, in their eventual battle for Storonthorpe.   Although only just having met the party, Gallus relucantly joined them on Einar's personal mission to the Basilisk library. Helping to put the spirits at rest, when presented with the door of secrets Gallus's first revelation was denied. They later confessed their transgression with Frisa. During Einar's dilemma, Gallus advocated for helping Ivar.   In Astergor, Gallus was happy to learn about ancient Jotun culture from Archivist Vrath. They also helped negotiate peace between The Blizzard Maiden and Snow Lady using their tactical knowledge. During the Theygor mission, Gallus posed a slave and was nearly found out but was saved by another thrall. In the eventual battle, Gallus helped to kill Rastgos the Raider, the deputy of the Jameleskan Syndicate alongside an ogre brute.   In Fasingos, Gallus used their throwing shield to wittledown the demilich Lich King Gryllfagor. When Azura wanted the Crown of Thorns, Gallus was confused by the whole thing and took neither side. In the plane of Air, Gallus had no idea who St Tara or why the party wanted a solar disk, but was slowly learning these things just happen sometimes and had a token explanation from Einar on the quest.   In the Battle of Jastingrag, Gallus was keen to save Heli , and was sad when the corporal was killed by the Snow Lord. Gallus landed the killing blow on the jotun noble, ending the war for good. After the battle, Gallus elected to stay with the party on their adventures.  

The Prodigal Fjandmar Arc

Staying with Doomed 2 Die in Jameleska, Gallus had several unfortunate run-ins with an Ice Elf fighter named Gavin and his gnome sychophant follower Fouton. The two formed a small rivalry, constantly running into each other during their week in the city. Gallus was also approached by Falia, who took the psionic warrior to the Kobellesium to fight a frog-like abberation. In the fight, Gallus was partially swallowed by the creature and rescued by their new archer companion. Gallus also rescued Gavin for no real thanks from the warrior.   Later in the week, Gallus would have a brawl with Gavin, beating him in fair combat and leading to a respectful truce between the two. Gallus was also present at the Rayes family dinner, where they went to check on Falia after the argument with her mother, Amidrillia Rayes. Gallus invited the archer along, teasing them about a half-repaired childhood cuddly rabbit named 'jumper.' In the party at the Swaying Whale, Gallus and Falia drukingly flirted with each other after a dance competition with Shan and a troll named Vrock.   Gallus was impressed with their first dimension jump into Gehenna, and joined the party as they journeyed to the mad mage's mansion. Gallus did not understand the rest of the party's distrust for Mertion Hampton until explained to them, and even then advocated for saving his life.   During their first night in the Briar and Brimstone, Gallus and Falia had to share one of the room's with only one bed. The two awkwardly spent some time with other, with the archer thanking Gallus for bringing them along. After waking, Gallus felt a strange draw to the blackhole above gehenna, feeling a call from the stars to a structure at the top of the mountain, closest to the black hole.   In the morning, Gallus met Aphrodisia, who was disguised in her 'Effy' form, and resisted temptation to betray Fjandmar, telling her to get lost. Going to the Star Tunnell, Gallus was recognised as a psionic by the captured solar soul, Kosmana, who deactivated Auran in front of them and begged for help. With Kosmana rebooted and liberated, Gallus learnt the stars were dying on the edges of the galaxy and they were needed to stop this threat for destiny's sake.   The warrior did not respsond well to the talk of destiny and entered a brief depressive spiral. Whilst the party journeyed to Corriegrave, Gallus remained at the Briar and Brimstone getting drunk. During theri stay here, they were visited by Araxys who spoke to them more about psionics and their destiny.   During their time off, Gallus also spoke with the Djinn lord Mashad, and scryed upon Isa and Urmas, learning that Urmas' father had been poisoned, further worrying the fighter.   With the party returning from Corriegrave, Gallus agreed to attend the dance being held by Kaneis. Gallus joined the party to rescue Starry Hyles, joinging the distraction team and nearly getting downed by the Narzugon before retreating. For the dance, Gallus ended up asking Falia. The two danced and continued their awkward flirting stage over cocktails and a repeated dance contest with Shan and Azura, which they lost.   With their post destiny reveal sadness pushed to the side, Gallus contined to aide the party as they battled with some of their old foes, Gallus meeting them for the first time including the Relentless Juggernaught of Loviatar and Hundvar †. During their mission to recruit Clay from Corpsegate, to distract the Dreadnaught Pirates Falia and Gallus kissed, causing a breif awkwardness and silence between them. Gallus later confessed to Azura that's not how they saw that happening, and voiced their concern about starting a relationship with the archer due to her previous relationship with their childhood sweetheart and exile from home.   In the battle of Lover's Bite, Gallus was breifly mind-drained by a Hydroloth, saved by the internvetion Einar, and healed by the bard before joining they stormed the keep. Gallus helped contain Ultragon, absorbing the Yugoloth commander's heaviest hits with their high ressiliance and armour. In the aftermath of the battle, Gallus was amongst the member's of the party who voiced concern at relaseing an unrestrained Fjandmar on the multiverse. At the celebration party thrown by Kaneis, Gallus admitted their feelings to Falia Rayes and the two kissed 'properly' for the first time.

The White Will Arc

Following their time in Gehenna, Gallus travelled with their new friends to the astral sea, following Azura's suggestion to travel to Mechanus and find answers on Ragnarok from Primus, the god of time. Whilst the endavour refuelled in the Astral Sea, Gallus joined the party for shore leave at mining outpost in the twilight zone of a tidally locked first planet. They took in the sights and sounds of the alien landscape and enjoyed some proper time with Falia.   In Mechanus, Gallus was polymorphed by Azura into a giant eagle to carry the adventurers, alongside Falia and Ivar, into the clockwork city without risking fire to the Endeavour from it's modrone inhabitents. The fighter battled their way through the clockwork forces to Primus's cathedral and faced down with the god. After Shan's provocation, Primus launched the party into an alternate reality where it was not their destiny to fight ragnarok.   Primus's alternate reality scarred gallus as they witnessed the deaths of people they loved in this reality and due to their psionic abilities they were able to retain a stronger memory of events compared to the party. Telling Falia of what they saw and experienced, Gallus tried to resolve the two versions of themselves and began to braid their hair differenitly and wished to take up jewllery making as craft.   In the material plane, Gallus was sceptical at allowing the goblins who inhabited the attic of their new mansion to flee but went along with the party's wishes. They indulged in some use of the dragonweed present with Shan, Val, and Falia then went to their room with their archer companion. In Lastlight, Gallus also saught a tarroka reading from the fortune teller in the markets outside of Naerfi's keep and was warned to look out for a traitor in their midst.   Continuing to follow the adventuerers on their mission to solve Aedrinar's numerous problems and gather allies against the Dragon Clan, Gallus joined the heroes on the Lyre's Tongue as they sailed to Knut's Landing to deal with The White Will terrorizing the western hold. At sea, Gallus fought the Dragon Clan for the first time and was caught by surprise as one of their warriors caught the fighter's throwing shield and hurled it back at them.   After the fight, Gallus befriended the travelling Al-Dunnian moon warrior Ahbadin Mustfazi, whom they had just rescued from the dragon clan.   In Knut's Landing, Gallus was welcoming towards Fr. Tomos Siegfried but kept the priest at a respectful distance. During the feast of King Knut, Gallus was amongst the first to race to Southwatch-By-The-Sea to rescue the missing children. In the fight against the coldstar wraiths, Gallus used their psionic powers and fighter abilities to fightback the undead terrors and chased them around the sacrificial chamber, eventually freeing Olaf the Little from the wraith's control.   Returning the feast and seeing the white will attack the town, Gallus ran to the temple to fight the dragon head on alongside Einar and Falia. The battle did not go favourably for the three, who had to be rescued by the late arrival of Ivar to save them. Healing their wounds, Gallus returned to the markets and travelled withVal, a polymorphed Shan, Ivar, Lugar Whitehide, Einar, and Fr Tomos to the docks to stop the white will's raid on the town's supplies. Despite their best efforts with their bow, Gallus struggled to use ranged weapons and the group almost killed the beast there and then but the dragon escaped, making sure to knock down the tower Falia was on - killing the archer. Rushing towards their fallen partner, Gallus was spared heartbreak when Fr Tomos used his divine powers to revive her, reuniting the two.   Gallus and the rest of the adventurers, alongside Roach, formed the vanguard of the refugee convoy of Knuts Landing survivors to the Seal Clan's winter camp. On the road, Gallus calmed the members of Andursthrope - initially by pretending to be the bodygard for Shan as the adventurers disguised themselves as followers of the White Will - but later provided reassuring words to the hoemsteaders when the deception was dropped. Gallus also organized a funerary pyre for the dead in the Kingstones settlement.   When Shan scouted ahead with Val and found the dead remains of four Ysgard's Warriors and several Western Skallen members, Gallus arrived late with the rest of the party whilst Ivar led the group back to the winter camp. Gallus was concerned for Val, who had entered a stress enduced flashback and witnessed the rogue walk straight into a skallen ambush and nearly let Roach be killed by one of the Dagurssens. Gallus was amognst the first to surrender and was taken back to the fort but was defiant in the face of their captors.   Despite realising they could probably break through their manicles, Gallus waited for an organized rescue from The Black Fox and was shocked at the arrival of Mr. Blake and his brutal acidic execution of the majority of Skallen members. The illusive crimelord said they were "honestly not aware" of who they were but freed them regardless. Gallus grew more concerned about Val as their warlock friend ruthlessly dealt with the skallen in the fort. The fighter did manage to calm a captured Erika and convince the warrior they were not skallen.   With their ordeal other and the group reunited with the Seal Clan - Gallus rested with a heavily medicated Falia in the medical tent. When they awoke, they spoke to Ivar and explained how the Black Fox sent Mr Blake and what Val had done and acted like, this upset the viking warrior who stormed off to confront his friend leaving gallus alone with Fr Tomos.   In Jameleska - Gallus attended a dinner with Amidrillia Rayes and reaffirmed their support for Falia and assured the elven mother that Falia was her own capable person and she should show her love more. Gallus also went and purchased jewellers tools and some rings to practice on from the markets whilst training Roach in athletics. As their adventures continued into the Asterogian hills to find the ruined city of Rorisgrad, Gallus fought valiantly to protect their companions from monsters in the worm caverns and against the elemental forces within the ruins of the Svartvelheim city. The fighter was nearly killed by ice wierds but managed to break free at the last minute and help rescue their other companions. Ever the respectful hero, Gallus made sure to collect the military ids of the fallen 33rd Scout's remains, scattered throughout the ruins so they could be returned to the military and their families fully informed of their fate.   With the elemental portal beneath Rorisgrad uncovered, Gallus spoke with the Huntress, the elder white dragon and mother of the fake White Will terrorising the hold, and informed the huntress that the Will had killed 'her chosen,' referring to Falia. This made the archer blush and the two later spoke of the label fondly in hot springs on the way back to Jameleska.   When seeking the Stone of Queen Astrid from Bard's Folly - Gallus was tested first alongside Ivar and Erika in the Way of the Warrior where they handily killed a pair of chimeras. After this, Gallus was placed into the Way of Fear where they were forced to wrestle with how they ran away from their problems and hurt those around them in doing so. Gallus formed a particualrly strong hatred for the fey spirit Shada following this. With the stone retrieved, Gallus let Falia, Fr Tomos, and Erika go to Westwatch whilst they and the rest of the party made their way to Kulvrsford to speak with Haarold Iceaxe.   Along the way, the group were visited again by Mr Blake who asked for help in making sure the Western Skallen escaped with most of their lives and takings before Haarold Iceaxe could defeat them. Gallus was strongly against this idea, as was Einar, and said they would not take part in helping the skallen or warning them. They met with the Golden Boar, and were surprised that Val was able to negotiate a potential truce to the conflict in order to secure the famed general's help in defeating the White Will's elemental forces. Whilst the rest of the party travelled to speak with the Skallen, Gallus stayed with Haarold, Ivar, and Prince Sven.   After the truce was negotiated and the terms agreed to - the party were ambushed by the white will once again - who nearly slaughtered the party entirely. Gallus barely survived and helped lead the group back to safety in the town of Westwatch. Upon arriving, Gallus was present in the throne room of Coldstar keep when Elfrey the Godswitch outted Val as an exile. Gallus defended Val openly, surprising the warlock. They were angered to learn Falia and the other companions had been captured by Elfrey and being held prisoner. When the party met with Jarl Earling Horfhand and Starkard Wintershield to resolve Val's situation and continue on their mission to defeat the dragon, Gallus supported the idea of working with House Winter-Shield as they seemed the less morally compromising or bloody option.   Whilst waiting for the Wintershields to arrive, Gallus spent the time with Mr Blake and confronted him about his obsession with Luna (Roach), and was told that the mysterious stranger had raised them in the alternate reality and could fully remember everything that occured, caring for them like a father but knowing this version had no memory of them.   With the Wintershield berserkers arriving late at night, Gallus fought directly with Elfrey, striking the fatal blow against the Godswitch. They reuinted with Falia again and took the archer back to the queen astrid inn to restore themselves alongside the other companions. In the morning, the fighter made prepartions to travel to Pilgrim's Rest to find the second half of the stone of astrid and clear Val's name in the eyes of the warriors. Again Gallus stood up for Val against Underchief Steinar, the warlock's primary accuser and previous judge, and welcomed the intervention of Sven the Godslayer †. The plan was derailed when a near-death Organvor entered the chamber and warned the Dragon Clan infiltrators, led by Eva, had gone up to the peak of Mount Valhalla.   Gallus breifly investigated the training room, where the found the bodies of a trainer and some recruits the infiltrators had killed. They were in the vanguard to to the top of the mountain to face off with the clan and had nearly defeated the monks until the surprise arrival of The Piper. Gallus engaged in melee combat with the illusive ice elf, and even when he teleported away to claim the eye, Gallus chased him down. Using their shield, Gallus knocked Mimir out of the hands of the Piper, enraging him. Although the dragon clan liutenant would escape with the eye of Vecna and nearly downed Gallus, they survived and were warned that the Piper would target the ones they loved.   Travelling back down the mountain to Pilgrim's Rest for a chance to heal and continue Val's trial, Gallus, Einar, and Val spoke with Sven the Godslayer, who hinted that Val should ask for a trial by combat and have Erika slay him and take the right of claimance. Gallus was nervous about this plan but went along with what the group thought best. In the trial, Gallus battled with numerous warrior supports of Steinar and with Sven directly, getting some strong hits on the warchief before being leaving him to fight Erika and Shan. Gallus supported Erika in the right of claimance, reassuring the warrior that this was what Sven thought was best - and kneeled before the new war chief upon the battle's completion.   Resting at Heroes Stop, Gallus was told by Falia about Val kissing Ivar and the two hatched a plan to hook them up by secretly getting them a double bed and having Roach stay in a single. Their plan did not work, but the two did spend the night together regardless.   With the stone of Astrid restored to one peice, Gallus helped explore and identify the artefacts within the Cave of Golden Wyrm, the final resting place of the Dragonlance of Queen Astrid. Gallus thought they had found the lance before Azura informed them it was a decoy and the real one was within the mouth of the dragon. When the hoard mimics ambushed, Gallus could pick up on their telepathic draconic conversation and tried to communicate upon realsing they were feelign fear and pain - they calmed the mimics and translated for the party as the mimics vowed to leave to find a new hoard to guard and left the golden wyrm's belongings in the trust of Einar.   Gallus claimed the Dragonlance and used it in their battle against the beast, although the dragon used its frightning presence to unnerve the fighter, they still struck several fatal blows upon the dragon, distracting it long enough for Val and Falia to claim the final killing blows. In the aftermath, Gallus celebrated with their 'chosen' and left Shan and Ivar to transport the dragon's head to the Huntress in the frostfell.  

Heir of Furunheim Arc

  Travelling to the feast of King Hardrada in Odinsthrone - Gallus called upon their experiences in the alternate reality to learn about the internal politics of Aedrinar. At the feast, they befriended Prince Sven and encouraged him to seek training from Ivar. They would rush to the aide of Arystyr Furyborn when the wood woads attempted to assassinate him and Einar after the feast.   They did help investigate House Springfast in the city, but remained away from the Wold to help train Sven alongside Ivar. In Kriegerholm, the fighter backed Gier Warpelt as the new thane despite his young age.   During their time in Furunheim, Gallus would reunite with their mother, Igraine Aramour, and discover Zedithir at the funeral of Elder Tiristar Furyborn†. They eventually convinced the Psionic master to help them save Arystyr and to later become their master - training them in advanced psionic techniques.   Gallus continued to develop their relationship with their companions and party, but would come into conflict with Shan after Azura's death at the hands of the corrupted treant Shadowbark. Blaming the monk for the wizard's death, the two would argue on methods and leaving people behind. They eventually forgave and apologised to Shan when the monk revealed what happened during the war and how the Black Dragon of the Northern Shore was a dark spirit taking over his body, not something he took pleasure in.   The fighter also developed their skills under training from Zedithir, their potential as a psionic master was noted by the veteran warrior and they have begun to learn telepathy and mind melding. The warrior has quickly developed a strong relationship with their master, appreciating his centuries old wisdom, methods, and willingness to teach. The two would be stranded in the past with a pre-god Frigga during The Long Night, where he taught her more advanced methods in preparation for a potential battle.   Gallus' past and their family history also caught up with them in Furunheim. Their uncle, Teris Boreas, had been corrutped by the Iron Mask and the reason of Teris and Igaraine's falling out would be revealed by their mother in Ferenvire, as Igraine told the story of how Teris had murdered a Winterhshield and placed fake documents on the sunken ship to incriminate High King Karl III, hopefully turning the northern houses against the realm. They also reunited with Teris's children, Furnagh and Edur, in an awkward reunion in Krakenpost. Teris himself would be deafeated by Gallus and imprisoned.   Outside of family drama, House Ardalyir troops had waited in Ferenvire to arrest Gallus on orders of the Regent of Thevensyne for 'treason.' They were sent away by Arystyr, but Gallus was made aware they were wanted. The Piper also exploited this by having their family arrested for 'treason,' branding Gallus a full outlaw and Igraine exiled to Furunheim under the protection of House Furyborn.

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Gallus never joined the Monastery of the Astrailaighai and instead became a diplomat, starting a thruple with Isa and Urmas. Gallus journeyed to the alternate form of Jameleska as part of an aide mission, where they came across the results of the final battle between The Snow Lord, Eyes of Varpak and this reality's version of heroes who stopped the war, (Flygir, Ardo, Lt. Braer, Falia, and Balcorus.)   Gallus had arrived in Jameleska just in time to see Falia's body being uncovered. Luna apperared to them at this time, and told them that Falia had activated the crown of thorns, detonating it as a 'soul bomb' killing herself and balcorus but defeating the Snow Lord. Roach warned Gallus that things would get worse, Gallus didn't think anything could, "be worse than this" but was the first to learn Luna's name in this timeline.   Alternate Gallus came across Roach again during Fenrir's rampage through Asrinheim. They had been organizing resistance and refugees in Thevensyne and had met the alternate form of Val and Trixie. Roach warned Gallus that the next time they meet, they would have to come with them, and it was going to hurt. On their final meeting, Thevensyne had fallen - Urmas, Isa, and their entire family were dead. They had been warned by the alternate form of Zedithir that 'they weren't right... you don't belong here.' With everything lost, Gallus agreed to journey with roach and reset the timeline.

Gender Identity

Gallus is a Corellite, a devout worshipper of Corellon. As a form of worship, Gallus frequently changes their gender in line with the seasons. They follow a counter-seasonal approach, known as Airdrithie (Corellon's wife). Under this practice, Gallus transitions from male presenting in the summer to female presenting in the winter.
Status: Alive   First Appearance: Session 56, The Resistance
Various styles, Cyan Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ice White
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I am not young enough to be scared by war criminal stories given what we've just done."
"what made you think it was a lighthouse?" - Gallus. "It was light." - Einar.
"I'm going to stick the rod in the hole,"
"I'm being called by the devil's anus."
"Can I move you with my mind or not!?"
"Life has gotten worse. Do you want a mint?"
"Don't insult my intelligence! It's... above average."
"I've not seen any of the wonders... except you?" - Gallus to Falia
Aligned Organization


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