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Flygir Eroskyn

Captain Flygir Eroskyn

The short and stoic captain of 22nd Scouts, Flygir is a skilled fighter, assassin, and tactician who led his team with Doomed 2 Die to end The Snow Lord's campaign against Jameleska. One of the few in the Jameleskan Military to hold a candle to their predecessors, Flgyir kept his personal life secret and focused on the job, rarely cracking a smile but always keeping his ear out for danger and threats. To those that know him, he is a strong leader and fighter who knows how the bend to rules to win, and to his enemies, he is often the last thing they see as he shoots towards them on his Titan Gear.   Flygir was a companion with Doomed 2 Die during their mission in the Duchy of Jameleska, accompanying them throughout the region and killing as many frost giants as he could. In his week with the party, he mostly kept to himself but formed a modicum of respect for the wizard Azura, and behind closed doors may have indeed called them a friend.   Flygir has not been answering of Azura's sending spells lately, but Lt Braer revealled to the wizard that this was normal behaviour for the captain and that the two had moved in together.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Flygir joined the party after the fall of Vorrenborg, impressed with their defence of Heli Ristor during his court martial in the war room. He helped formulate their goals, aiming to take out the camp in the Titansgrove, liberate Storonthorpe and Astergor, and take down Theygor. He was knocked off his horse when the ambush to capture Heli occurred, and was left at camp during the Eagle Falls mission to recover.   Flygir led the second team to Storonthorpe, taking Heli, Ardo Hune, and Lt. Braer on a wilderness route whilst the party travelled with Roach and Ivar along the roads. He met with the party at the rebel camp in Storonthorpe, introducing his squad to Gallus. Flygir was assisting Doomed 2 Die during the ambush, so was not present when the rebel camp was raided. During the battle of Storonthorpe, Flygir waited in ambush and launched a devastating flurry of attacks on the giants, downing three using his titan gear and poisoned blade.   Flygir was tasked with defeating the Wyvern in the Astergorian hills with Heli, Ardo, and Braer whilst the party journeyed to the Basilisk library to complete Einar's mission. He rendezvoused with the party outside Astergor, spending time with Azura as they travelled to Theygor. Flygir headed the vanguard during the battle of Theygor, assisting Ivar in assaulting the walls.   Flygir was taken into Fasingos to find the Crown of Thorns, but found his weapon could not damage the demi lich form of Gryllfagor so was forced to take cover and try and rescue casualties. Afterwards, he waited at the camp for the party to return from the pillars of air.   During the Battle of Jastingrag, Flygir lead the scouts and Ivar as part of the vanguard. He witnessed Heli titan out and try to fight the Snow Lord alone, he got back intime to see Heli die, and showed a rare sign of emotion as he mourned his deputy.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Heli Ristor had been killed in the initial battle when Wall Vorrenborg fell. Heli would lead Ardo, Balcorus and Lt Braer on similar missions to disrupt the snow lord's plans, but without the help of the adventurers they lost nearly every fight. Heli would rescue the alternate version of Falia Rayes, the last remaining aspect of Varpak, and journeyed back to Jameleska to face the Snow Lord in Rosethorpe. Flygir died in the fight, either during the initial battle or when Falia detonated the Crown of Thorns, along with the rest of the assembled group of heroes.


Flgyir has an undetermined relationship with Lt Braer, with Azura and Val both calculating the two may be having a secret relationship. This is something Flygir and Braer refuse to elaborate on.
Status: Alive   First Appearance: Session 48, Wall Vorrenborg Falls
Current Location
Dark Brown
Short, bowl cut, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned White
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Appearances: 15
  • Session 48: Wall Vorrenborg Falls
  • Session 49: The Titans
  • Session 50: Weeping Halls
  • Session 51: Ballroom Blitz
  • Session 52: Titansgrove
  • Session 54: Boom and the Jotun are Gone
  • Session 56: The Resistance
  • Session 57: Rescue at the Fort
  • Session 58: Snow Lord Cometh
  • Session 59: Liberation of Storonthorpe
  • Session 62: Revolutions
  • Session 63: Brawls and Crowns
  • Session 64: Battle of Jastingrag
  • Session 66: Tales From Jameleska Pt.2
  • Session 84: The Clockwork God (Alternate Reality)


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