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Never is a Shapeshifter assassin from the feywiilds who was enchanted and controlled by the 'Dark Enchancter' and instructed to assassinate the heirs to Furunheim, Arystyr and Aera Furyborn. A cunning and clever warrior, Never would make two attempts on the life of Arystyr and one on Aera, all foiled by the internvention of Doomed 2 Die.   The assassin would be captured and taken prisoner by the adventurers after he failed an ambush in Krakenpost - breifly released from their control they would provide information to Val about how the Dark Enchanter was controlling others.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Never's life is unclear - but their skills with the blade, poison, and ability to ambush others indiciates they may have been formally trained as hired killer or soldier in the feywilds. A changeling who was never placed in the material plane, Never has grown up as an outside in the Feywilds and lived within the whimisical Court of Blizzards, the Arsinheim equivlant within the fairy realm.   When the Dark Enchanter gained control of the Feywilds and spread 'the taint' Never was captured and brought to him. The shapeshifter was able to show Val how the changling used his iron mask and staff to infect him with the taint and command him to kill Arystyr and Aera.   In her first attempt at the murder, Never sailed from Furunheim to Kriegerholm and stole the identity and murdered a guardsman of House Ironcrest so they could slip in and out of the city without difficulties. Expecting Arystyr and Tiristar at Odinsthrone for the feast of King Hardrada - Never was able to again kill and replace a knight of House Iceaxe.   As the knight, they gained access to Ary's room and placed two dormant wood woads to kill him when the party went to sleep. Sneaking out, they ran in to Gallus but remained undetected, their disguise working. They left Odinsthrone via the roads again as not to be tracked by Mr. Blake or the toll takers in Kriegerholm. It would not be till they were on the ship back to Furunheim that they learnt from the enchanter they had failed and prepared their next move in Krakenpost.   Their next attempt involved lying in wait in Aera's icegardens for the siblings to meet and walk through their favoured spot. This time the assassin brought more corrupted plants and fey creatures in the form of twig and needle blights. The ambush nearly worked with Arystyr almost being murdered before the group had a chance to react - but thanks to Gallus using their psionic shielding, the heir's life was saved. During the ambush he was capable of limited moments of lucidity, claiming they did not want to this and she was sorry. Azura managed to briefly break the enchanter's hold by dispelling magic, which allowed the shapeshifter to be restrained by Gallus.   Val was also able to meld with the fellow changeling and learnt of the extent of the enchatner's control and his use of the iron mask.

Gender Identity

First Appearance
Session 107: Invitation from the King
Current Status
Prisoner of Doomed 2 Die
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Between 4"-7"
Appearances: 2
  • Session 107: Invitation from the King
  • Session 112: Vaniri Seas and Changeling Daggers


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