Session Twenty Three 7/16/24

General Summary

Characters Present: Finkelstein (Tim D), Kasar (Lou), Darfin (Tim M), Zavania (Alyssa).
  The party concluded their time in the High Forest, with Darfin bidding farewell to his parents and mentor, Silvanus. Arva provided the group with two potions of greater healing each for their future endeavors in Faerûn. With that, the group began their journey back to Phandalin, but not without some unexpected interference.
  During their travels, Finkelstein's brand, placed on him by Zeleen, the wererat leader, began to glow a bright red and burn. The source of the activation soon became clear as a large golden dragon, Mushu, with two passengers, Blepp the Kobold and Zeleen, descended to intercept Finkelstein. All three shared a strong love interest in Finkelstein and had come to forcefully reconnect with him. They took Finkelstein away for a few hours, during which he endured heinous acts. The rest of the group continued towards Phandalin, paying little heed to Finkelstein's temporary absence. He rejoined them shortly afterward, limping back to the group. The brand on his hand began to disappear, and Zeleen informed him that their pact was fulfilled as she was now pregnant, expecting five to six wererat babies in five months. With this revelation, Zeleen and the others flew back to their homes, leaving Finkelstein to ponder his future.
  As the party approached Phandalin, a harrowing sight unfolded before them. A large white dragon was laying siege to the town, its icy breath blanketing many of the roads and buildings. The shouts and cries of the townsfolk echoed in the distance, while an organized group of Neverwinter guards moved towards the town center to set up a defense. The party rushed to assist with evacuation efforts, using their casting coins to transport the townsfolk back to Dragon's Rest. Captain Josephine initially resisted but eventually supported the plan. The party directed people into the local jail and transported them to Dragon's Rest one group at a time. Their efforts were mostly successful, and upon returning to Dragon's Rest, they found over 40 Phandalin refugees. Elder Runara began organizing the refugees while the rest of the party rested. Although grateful, Captain Josephine insisted on being taken back to Phandalin to notify General Sabine of the dragon's attack and to plan further aid. After resting, the group returned to Phandalin with Josephine and ten of her Neverwinter guards.
  Phandalin was now a town of ice, with large sections completely frozen. Many buildings appeared frozen in time, and groups of people were encased in ice. The party scouted the area for survivors, finding Harbin Wester hiding in a crate. Harbin, grateful for the rescue, explained that he had jumped into the crate to avoid the dragon's frosty breath.
  In a nearby home, the party found an orc bound and gagged. They released him and learned that he was Obould of Clan Many-Arrows, captured by the Neverwinter guard and questioned about the dragon's location. He agreed to provide this information in exchange for his release. Captain Josephine was reluctant but eventually honored the agreement.
  Armed with the location of the dragon, the party set out for Icespire Hold, a keep nestled deep in the Sword Mountains, while Captain Josephine and her guards returned to Neverwinter. Along the way, they discovered a recently killed frozen ogre. Zavania found some items in the ogre's sack, including a merchant pouch from Danny the Wandering Merchant. They soon realized Danny was trapped inside the pouch. The party promised to free him after defeating the dragon, and Kasari provided Danny with literature on devils and the hells to keep him occupied.
  The party approached Icespire Hold, navigating through narrow corridors and spiraling staircases until they reached the dragon's alleged lair at the top of the keep. They readied themselves for battle, waiting for Darfin to make the first move.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Role: Lovable kobold and close friend of the party
  • Summary: Assists the party and oversees the construction of their settlement. Known affectionately as "Finkelstein’s assistant."
Harbin Wester
  • Role: Townmaster of Phandalin
  • Summary: Frequent quest giver with numerous interactions with the party.
Josephine Soleil
  • Role: Captain of the Neverwinter Guard
  • Summary: Oversees the party’s probation and manages the Syndicate of Belial investigation in Phandalin. Works closely with Harbin Wester.
Session Thirteen 3/12/24  
  • Role: Gold dragon
  • Summary: Helped by Kasari in collecting fish while Finkelstein sang to her. She shared an intimate moment with Finkelstein in the skies.
Session Fifteen 4/2/24, Session Sixteen 4/9/24  
  • Role: Leader of a wererat gang
  • Summary: Took over Mountain Toe’s Gold Mine. The party helped her reclaim her gang’s original nest at a nearby shrine. She placed a binding mark on Finkelstein.
Session Fourteen 3/25/24, @session
Report Date
16 Jul 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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