
Yfirland is the vast expanse of plains, foothills and tundra that make up most of the interior of Heimval. The southern latitudes are flat, grassy plains that become tundra farther north until the southern highlands of the Himlenbjerge Mountains. On this land roam large herds of keratoplexan and ornithischian herbivores, such as the fleet dadyr and massive, shaggy magunir. These are hunted by the clans of the nomadic Vandir as well as ferocious keratoplexan predators.


In the middle of Yfirland is the heart of Vandir strength, the massive glacial lakes Halvatun, Lokarvatun, and Gutavatun. These lakes are fed by many rivers flowing from the north through the foothills of the Himlenbjerge, the product of glacial spring melt. This watershed feeds a vast wooded oasis dividing the eastern and western plains of Yfirland. They are the wintering grounds of all the Vandir tribes.


The Kalmasan Samraj has designs to push into the fertile southeastern plains of Yfirland to the north of Rotskjoldland and offer free land to Kalmasan veterans as well as Jolnir citizens of Rotskjoldland. Few are willing to take up this prize for fear of raids. However, since the end of the War of Sovereignty, more effort is being directed towards fortifying the region, building forts and garrisoning them with soldiers to protect those who would dare to farm on ancestral Vandir lands.

Location under

Cover image: by Jaime Spaniol


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