
Known also as the Forest of the Great Trees, this is a secluded nation of Elves. They work closely with their human neighbor, Olvoe and most of them hail from the southern lands of Riverlands, which they abandoned for the Great Tree Forest (Shantar'Ar'Vandor). The elves keep the magic of the Great Trees alive and warn outsiders from harming them. The latter already created a conflict with Sahadrun, which started to cut the trees for their own ends. The nation is very territorial and cares little for what happens outside its borders.


The forest is led by the Great Hunter (Alat'Feredir), whose duty is to safeguard the forest from outsiders and keep order between the branches. While there is a leader, the elves have many other leaders, performing other duties, but once there is conflict, they refer to the Great Hunter. Once such a person is chosen, it is for life.


The Elves of the forest are very territorial and do not like outsiders, even if they were invited by another elf. Many outsiders do come to their cities, mainly to learn magic or make a pilgrimage to the temples.


The story of the Great Forest begins in the First Age, The Titan War. It is said that after the death of the Titan The Diplomat, these lands were devastated thus the god Wise One blessed them turning all the trees into the Great Trees. Some speculate that it was somebody else in the Second Age, Godswar. As this was so long ago, it is mythical even to the elven race. During the Second Age, the Great Forest turned into a safe haven from the dragons when The Elder War struck. However, the elves couldn't let the Mind Flayers enslave everyone, so they did battle the Mind Flayer Empire of Ithilyyar. When the Third Age, Kingdoms dawned, the Great Tree Forest became a pilgrimage spot for elves traveling to the Elven Lands and while most of them would stay in the southern coast, many would come to be awed by the majesty of the trees. From that point on, the Elves of the forest did their best to defend their forest. From monsters, War of the Underworld to greedy mortals. Their biggest tragedy happened in the Fourth Age, The Calamity when a powerful Mind Flayer Lich named Qhuss used the magic of the land to resurrect an Icon, which would allow him to ravage the Riverlands. Much of the forest was destroyed in the process and the Calamity made it worse. The forest was dying. When the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age ended, hope returned as the gods of nature regrew the green around the world, the Great Tree Forest included. Blessed by the Emerald Druid, the forest regained much of its lost virtue. Many elves would leave the mainland Riverlands and seek a home in the renewed forest, to the ire of the locals that stayed there even after tragedies. The kingdom would return to its former goal and try their best to strive for greatness in that. One such occasion happened after The Chronoplague, when the nation of Sahadrun was devastated by the plague and used the Great Trees for their goals. This infuriated the elves to the point that there is constant conflict on their western border.

Demography and Population

The majority of the populace are Elves and on the second spot are half-elves. There are very few members of other races in the forest as residents because mostly they are here as pilgrims, clerics, or students.


Most of the elves here pray to the Emerald Druid as she recently (for them) saved their forest. The majority religion is of course the Elder Pantheon, the elven side of that pantheon.

Foreign Relations


Founding Date
Ever since the Second Age, Godswar
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Forest of the Great Trees
Government System
Major Exports
Elven Crafts, Elven Wine, Mithril, Fur, Spidersilk
Major Imports
Fish, Iron, Gold, Marble, Coal
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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