Warrior-clans of Venland

The great warrior-clans of Venland are a very roudy, and to some, uncultured group. They mostly inhabit the Niffleheim and Trollheimen but can be seen in other parts of the continent as well. Their culture is all about battle and honor, seeking glory in your final moments against a great foe. Interesingly, their worship of ancestors, great warriors and leaders is what many historians believe the ideal place for creating Demigods or at least Hereos/Villains. In the Third Age, Kingdoms, they were able to take most of these lands from the Giants and other monsters and while there are still Giants and monsters, the warrior-clans carved a nice peace of land for themselves. Unphased by the Fourth Age, The Calamity and the Iconian Empire conquering the north, only inteviening when the conflict came to their shores, made them one of few groups that were able to stand against the Icons and survive for long enough for reinforcements to arrive. The warrior-clans also joined the battle against Vecna and many perished in that moment. In the Fifth Age, Current Age, the clans were able to return to glory but not what it once was for them.   As most warrior-clans are Humans or Goliaths, there are some other races that form their own clans or are clan-members of the former races. This makes the Throne of Esageard, their "pantheon" of demigods mostly comprised of Humans and Goliaths as well as their Great Clans. The Great Clans differ from the "normal" clans as they have a High Jarl, who is like a High King (king of lesser kings), who rules over many cities, towns and villages in an area. Great Clans can rise and fall over generations, all it takes is a great leader (or Demigod) to lead them to victory. The warrior-clans have a legend that one day, the gods will die and a Time of Ragnarøkkr (Time of the Fate of Gods) will be upon the mortals. A singular individual will rise above all else, claming the throne of Esageard and the powers accumulated by all the heroes of yore, become the greatest warrior of all. He would lead them against the great enemy of the starts, prophecies to eat the world with his gaping maw, looking upon his prey with more eyes that there are mortal souls. For now, the Great Clans and smaller clans continue their culture as they do not wish to cease existing before that event occurs.   As of four decades after The Second Divergence, there are a couple of Great Clans of note and these are:
  • Great Clan of Orvaring - Orvaring clan is the Great Clan of the Arrow, lies in the most western part of Niffleheim. It is said that they are most adept in whaling and archery.
  • Great Clan of Hjordisung - Hjordisung clan is the Great Clan of the Sword and lies in the center of Niffleheim. It is said that their greatest warriors fought in the Fourth Age, The Calamity against the Iconian Empire and Vecna, their descedants still hold their blade and see using shields in duels as dishonorable.
  • Great Clan of Ingolfing - Ingolfing clan is the Great Clan of the Wolf and lies in the northeast part of Niffleheim. They are close allies with Werewolves of Niffleheim as well as some are werewolves themselves.
  • Great Clan of Osbornung - Osbornung clan is the Great Clan of the Bear and lies in the Bearclaw Bay of Niffleheim. One of the youngest Great Clans, their ancestor visited Mordland and saw the Northern Aarakocra ride bears to battle. This inspired him when he returned and now the clan uses these creatures in combat.
  • Great Clan of Valdisung - Valdisung clan is the Great Clan of Life and lies in the most southern part of Niffleheim. Actually, the first half is a lie. The other Great Clans do not consider Valdisung as a Great Clan as the Valdisung clan was lost nearly four decades ago, killed by monsters from the Lands of All-Snow. They came back not long ago, murdered those that took over their lands and is now comprised, mostly, of Undead (mainly Ghols).
  • Great Clan of Geirung - Geirung clan is the Great Clan of the Spear and lies in the most eastern part of Trollheimen. They are known to be the best sailors (pirates more like) of all warrior-clans. Their Icebreaker Ships allow them to attack any frozen shore.
  • Great Clan of Aslaugung - Aslaugung clan is the Great Clan of God (sometimes named Clerics, Temples or just Faith) as they control the biggest island of Trollheimen. Due to their position, their culture changed somewhat and they made ancestor worship secondary to their new primary god Ilios, the god of war. The other Great Clans do not like them as the island was considered holy dueling land and many heroes and Demigods would arise there (many believed the entrance to Esageard was on the island).
  • Great Clan of Brynjaing - Brynjaing clan is the Great Clan of the Armor and they control the northern part of Trollheimen. It is said that they forwent their pirating and raiding ways to become merchants and traders. They are considered weak by the other clans but that isn't quite true as the Brynjaing clan hold the most amount of weapons and armor from any Great Clan and many come to buy those goods from them.


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