Campaign 2: Session 15 - Into the Tower

Rewards Granted

  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 120XP
  • Peril: 100XP
  • Research: 30XP
  • MVP: 100XP
  • Total: 450XP
Tedduch Stoutman
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 120XP
  • Bonus XP: 50XP
  • Total: 270XP
The Wretch
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 120XP
  • Bonus XP: 50XP
  • Total: 270XP

Missions/Quests Completed

8th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   A group composed of Tedduch Stoutman, Awenir, Audrey Wepple, and The Wretch ascends from the castle docks and proceeds to climb the steps toward the Branek Rystotin in search of Captain Ivo. Upon reaching the castle gates, Tedduch attempts to draw the guards' attention by pelting pebbles at the battlements. Despite initial reluctance from the guards, they manage to convince them to call for Captain Ivo, who eventually appears after a considerable wait.   Captain Ivo informs the group that arrangements have been made for Suran-Roa to be accommodated in Branek Rystotin until a military escort from Istanbrakt arrives. He emphasizes the need for a low profile, respect for the city's laws, and avoiding drawing unnecessary attention. The Captain warns them that if they break any laws, he won't make an effort to protect them. The group contemplates entering the quarantined district, with Captain Ivo cautioning that doing so would mean being unable to leave.   Eventually, Suran-Roa arrives with Karl and Andrei, and Captain Ivo escorts them back to the fortress, leaving the group to head to Hostel Karp. On their way down the hill, they decide to use the castle's supply chute as a slide, attracting the attention of the guards. The group flees, with Tedduch eluding them in the guise of an elderly Gnome.   Meanwhile, Zi discovers a corpse in the Dystrykt Waldawa watchtower, leading her to encounter a monstrous creature with tentacles made of knotted intestines. Zi manages to escape the building, and as the group reunites at Hostel Karp, she recounts her harrowing experience. The group expresses anger and concern over Zi's recklessness and the potential fate of Sarlaren and Orville.   A divide emerges within the group, with some members, including Awenir, Anpu Winkybits, and Pawel, urging an immediate excursion to Dystrykt Waldawa to find Sarlaren. Tedduch Stoutman, Zi, and The Wretch argue for rest, preparation, and gathering information before entering the district. A compromise is reached to rest the night and infiltrate the district the next morning.   In the hostel's underbar, the group is approached by the proprietor, Waldek, who shares information about the cook losing his daughter and mysteriously disappearing.   9th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   The following day, the group awakens and gets ready for their upcoming mission. They learn that Audrey Wepple has located her son and is currently by his bedside in the Mission of the Eighth Acolyte. The decision is made that Pawel will head to Branek Rystotin to inform Captain Ivo about the group's visit to Orville Wepple at the Mission, creating a cover story for their infiltration into Dystrykt Waldawa without arousing suspicion. The group gathers at the edge of the canal, engaging in extensive discussion to formulate a plan. After much deliberation, they decide that The Wretch will carry Tedduch Stoutman and Awenir across the canal's surface, while Zi will fly Anpu Winkybits across and drop a rope to assist the others in emerging from the canal.   As they enter the district, they navigate toward the watchtower and find themselves being pursued by infected inhabitants. Upon reaching the tower, Zi ascends to the top and drops a rope for the rest of the group to climb. Simultaneously, they secure the gate surrounding the tower grounds. However, the respite is short-lived as the Weepers manage to break through and swarm beneath the tower. Fortunately, all members of the party successfully reach the tower's top.   With caution, the group descends into the depths of the tower.
Report Date
30 Nov 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location